Friday, June 29, 2007

How to Change Oil

Some people in life like to get their hands dirty, and others just like to spend money. If you decide to change oil yourself in your car or truck, just know you will get grease under your fingernails and oil all over your hands. You will get your tools dirty and will sweat in a hot garage for about half an hour.

Others, however, prefer to pay the price to change oil and be done with it. It’s clean, it’s fast and for the most part, it’s professionally handled. The average price to change oil is about $30, though if you hire an unsavory mechanic the price might go up.

Another consideration is whether the mechanic is a professional and will do a good job. Sometimes if you pay a mechanic to change oil he will do the job for a fair price—but then later you find out there’s an oil leak. Oil leak if you’re lucky! Hire a bad mechanic and you could even have serious engine trouble.

When hiring a mechanic, make sure good communication is established, a set price including labor, parts and any extra services, and that the mechanic is reliable and respected in the community. Does he have his own shop and does he do plenty of business with satisfied customers?

Along with the worry of hiring a good mechanic, the $30 charge is simply too much for some drivers and they decide to change oil in their vehicle for free—with just a little bit of effort and one spent afternoon. They save roughly a $100 a year and have the satisfaction of knowing the job was done right.

There are other issues to consider when you decide to change oil in your car yourself. Do you have quality tools? Do you really know what you’re doing? While you can learn how to change oil over the Internet, to do it properly takes study and practice. Don’t skimp on $30 if it means sending someone unqualified to do a professional’s job. Your car could suffer because of it and wind up costing you hundreds of dollars to repair.

Another factor to consider is oil disposal. The safest way to dispose of your oil is to keep it properly contained and find a local shop to take it off your hands. Don’t just dig a hole in the ground, toss it in the trash or flush it down the toilet. The EPA can give out large fines for improper oil disposal.

Would you like to know how to change oil yourself? Ask a mechanic you know to teach you. While simple instructions can be found online, it’s a procedure you really have to understand and perform correctly if you want your car to function properly.

About the Author:
Dan Sherman has started an information based website to offer advice on topics similar to those discussed above. Visit him at his website by Clicking Here (or go to
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