Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Diesel Cars Preferred By Younger Drivers

Although the prices of gas and fuel have already started to point down after those months when the prices continued to soar to amazing heights, it looks like new and younger drivers have gone more intelligent when choosing what kind of vehicle to purchase for their own. According to a recent study, these younger buyers are opting to have diesel cars and vehicles so as to save on costs. The extra dollars could then be used to purchase other items that could give their car an added boost or color – from accessories to Volvo performance parts to other things.

However, experts have been wondering if this could all be because of the new kind of fuel that has arrived in the market – the Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel, or ULSD for short. This new type of fuel has already been made available in various gas stations all around the country. Aside from this, another aspect that could have made the younger ones turn to diesel vehicles is the arrival of the new 2007 Mercedes Benz E320 BLUETEC which also runs on diesel fuel.

According to a survey done, around half of those that belonged to Generation Y, or those who are eighteen to twenty nine years old, have considered purchasing or leasing a diesel car. Aside from this forty six per cent of Generation X people, or those who are thirty to forty one years old, also considered such. The results of this survey actually echoed the results of another study that J.D. Power and Associates did on diesel cars and its sales. And in the end, the J.D. Power and Associates study did say that they are predicting a huge rise in the number of sales of such a vehicle.

Allen Schaeffer is Diesel Technology Forum's executive director and he does claim, "We are seeing that younger drivers are eager to embrace new clean diesel as they look to reduce their fuel bill and other environmental footprint, thereby demonstration that they are socially responsible." He even further emphasizes, "Yet it is also clear that while consumers want greener options that help them save money at the pump, they do not want to forego the performance, reliability and innovative features they have come to expect in today's automobiles."

The survey that was done took more than a thousand Americans as respondents. This one was sponsored by the Diesel Technology Forum as well as by Mercedes Benz's arm in the USA. The statistics from the study also showed that those younger American drivers are still looking for ways to actually do away with high fuel consumption. In fact, they are proactive in this regard and one of the things that they have chosen to do would be to actually lean towards cars that are powered by diesel fuel.

About the Author:
Stacey Wilson
As a former news correspondent for an auto-related website, Stacey has gathered extensive knowledge and experience in the automotive industry. This 34 year old mother of two from Memphis is a genuine car lover.
Added: 26 Oct 2006
Article Source: http://articles.simplysearch4it.com/article/40498.html

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