Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Diesel Cars Preferred By Younger Drivers

Although the prices of gas and fuel have already started to point down after those months when the prices continued to soar to amazing heights, it looks like new and younger drivers have gone more intelligent when choosing what kind of vehicle to purchase for their own. According to a recent study, these younger buyers are opting to have diesel cars and vehicles so as to save on costs. The extra dollars could then be used to purchase other items that could give their car an added boost or color – from accessories to Volvo performance parts to other things.

However, experts have been wondering if this could all be because of the new kind of fuel that has arrived in the market – the Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel, or ULSD for short. This new type of fuel has already been made available in various gas stations all around the country. Aside from this, another aspect that could have made the younger ones turn to diesel vehicles is the arrival of the new 2007 Mercedes Benz E320 BLUETEC which also runs on diesel fuel.

According to a survey done, around half of those that belonged to Generation Y, or those who are eighteen to twenty nine years old, have considered purchasing or leasing a diesel car. Aside from this forty six per cent of Generation X people, or those who are thirty to forty one years old, also considered such. The results of this survey actually echoed the results of another study that J.D. Power and Associates did on diesel cars and its sales. And in the end, the J.D. Power and Associates study did say that they are predicting a huge rise in the number of sales of such a vehicle.

Allen Schaeffer is Diesel Technology Forum's executive director and he does claim, "We are seeing that younger drivers are eager to embrace new clean diesel as they look to reduce their fuel bill and other environmental footprint, thereby demonstration that they are socially responsible." He even further emphasizes, "Yet it is also clear that while consumers want greener options that help them save money at the pump, they do not want to forego the performance, reliability and innovative features they have come to expect in today's automobiles."

The survey that was done took more than a thousand Americans as respondents. This one was sponsored by the Diesel Technology Forum as well as by Mercedes Benz's arm in the USA. The statistics from the study also showed that those younger American drivers are still looking for ways to actually do away with high fuel consumption. In fact, they are proactive in this regard and one of the things that they have chosen to do would be to actually lean towards cars that are powered by diesel fuel.

About the Author:
Stacey Wilson
As a former news correspondent for an auto-related website, Stacey has gathered extensive knowledge and experience in the automotive industry. This 34 year old mother of two from Memphis is a genuine car lover.
Added: 26 Oct 2006
Article Source: http://articles.simplysearch4it.com/article/40498.html

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Carburetor rebuilding: Do it yourself

Do you always need a mechanic to solve a tiny-mini problem in your car? Don’t you think that’s wastage of time and money? You’ll have to wait for the mechanic to come and then he will work out as per his convenience. Again he will charge a high bill. Instead you can take the responsibility on your own. When you own a car, you should also have the minimum knowledge of its repair.

Rebuilding the carburetor is actually nothing that difficult. What you need to know is the proper arrangement of tools and definitely the technique. There is nothing to get hiccups at the name of carburetor rebuilding. One thing is important when you initiate to rebuild a carburetor. First of all detect the problem area and have a clear idea about the reason for the problem or the leakage to occur. Then it becomes quite easier to solve it on the whole.

Set up everything before you begin carburetor rebuilding

Plan up how you would go for the rebuilding procedure. Yes, of course the technical aspect has a set rule but it’s you who is going to conduct the whole thing. Therefore you can work out at your own discretion.

To begin with, have clear arrangement of the equipments you will need. You should make the arrangement in an open space with sufficient light. Set the instruments, nuts and bolts, and screws distinctively so that whenever you require you can access them with ease.

The actual rebuilding process

As it is rebuilding a carburetor, you will have to disassemble the used one. After the parts have been disassembled, wipe them out with a piece of cloth to remove the deposited dirt on them. Since you are an amateur mechanic, don’t haste in the disassembling procedure. Take out individual part one by one and place them in the organized order in a row. This is done to keep away hassles while reassembling.

First of all get hold of carburetor cleaner, the one which is tri-chlorethylene and injurious if inhaled. The normal procedure is to dip all the parts, not the plastic or the leather one in the cleaner in a tub. If the specified chemical doesn’t suit you at all just avoid and use strong detergents that are highly alkaline. They too work as superb carburetor cleaners.

Winding up the cleaning process, throw out the damaged parts and replace them with new gaskets. Don’t start the reassembling process when the parts are wet. They should be perfectly dried and with new shine. The setting will be done by following the technical instruction in the very same order but from last to first as you had disassembled. Put the things right and tight them up. Did it really seem something impossible?

About the Author:
Thomas MacIntosh writes about on Carburetor rebuilding: Do it yourself to visit :- carburetor rebuild kit
Article Source: http://www.articles411.com

Friday, May 11, 2007

Tire Maintenance Critical To Keep Your Car Rolling Smoothly

By properly maintaining your tires, you could potentially be avoiding uneven wear, poor performance and possibly even a blowout. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, tire failures or blowouts are believed to contribute to over 400 deaths and 10,000 injuries in the United States every year. Even with those figures being made public, the surprising factor is that statistics have shown some drivers still fail to follow the basic tire maintenance guidelines that could help to prevent such occurrences.

In addition to overloading, under-inflation is one of the leading causes of tire failure. Simply put, this means putting too much air or not enough into the tires. Either of these can cause stress and excessive heat, which can lead to tire problems and may even result in a blowout or a car crash.

Many do not realize how much the change in outdoor temperature can actually affect a car, but it can. In fact, it can even affect the rate at which tires lose air and this is especially true during the warm spring and summer months. During a normal month, tires will lose approximately one or two pounds of pressure. During the warmer months, that number is even greater. The best way to avoid any tire-related mishap is to check your tire’s pressure every time you fill up your car’s fuel tank. At the very least, tire pressure should be checked once every month and prior to leaving for a long road trip. If you are uncomfortable checking the tires yourself, simply stop by the local auto repair shop and ask for assistance.

If you do have a blowout while driving, it is crucial that you not panic and slam on the breaks. This may be the first instinct, but it is a very bad move. In doing so, you may end up causing your car to swerve and potentially put you at risk for a much more serious accident. Instead, gradually apply the break until you have regained control over the vehicle. At that time, slowly guide your car to a safe area as far away from the road as possible.

The best way to avoid any type of tire failure is to take the appropriate steps to ensure they are in the best working condition possible. This would include regular inspections and checking the air pressure often. With the proper maintenance, a potential problem can be diagnosed before it occurs and will help to ensure you and your family will arrive at your destination safely.

About the Author:
Aurel Radulescu
Find more about KellyBlueBook used cars value and how to get a free CarFax report and many other used cars buying and maintenance tips on www.usedcarspace.com/
Article Source: http://www.articles2k.com

Friday, May 04, 2007

Guide To The Purchase Of a Diesel Engine car

Diesel automobiles at one point were very popular vehicles but due to many issues they have been largely avoided by purchasers in countries such as America. They got a reputation for being very noisy, unreliable and polluting resulting in the decline of sales since the 1980’s. They have however seen resurgence in popularity in countries such a Europe where they have accounted for up to 40% of car sales. This has been due mainly to the resolution of the many issues concerning the diesel engine.

If you are considering purchasing a diesel automobile there are several factors that you will need to consider. One of these if you from areas that have very tough emissions standards that you will not be able to purchase the diesel automobile in these US states. These include states such as New York, California, Maine, Vermont and Massachusetts. These are the only states where the sale of these vehicles is prohibited. Otherwise you will find that the diesel vehicle is available in other states.

The diesel automobile is now available in almost all market segments. Previously you would find that they would be restricted to mainly the larger class of vehicles but now you can find models that include midsize sedans and small SUVs as well as the compact cars such as the Jetta and Golf.

The price of the diesel automobile can be an issue to buyers. You will find that the diesel automobiles tend to be a bit more expensive when compared to their gasoline counterparts. This is due mainly to the fact that the diesel automobile requires a lot more technology to ensure that they perform well and to ensure that they stay within the emissions standards.

You may find that the selection of vehicles is a bit limited in the US market still. This is as the manufacturers are still faced with problems in terms of getting American buyers to purchase diesel automobiles. There is still a stigma attached to the diesel automobile of olden times although they cannot compare to the new diesel automobiles on the market today.

When purchasing a diesel automobile it is important that you consider the fact that the diesel is great for fuel efficiency. You will find that the compact as well as the midsized vehicles can indeed put up some competition for the hybrid cars on the market in terms of mileage. The diesel cars on the market offer great benefits and are no longer the polluters of the past but have very much cleaned up their act.

The diesel vehicles of today are no longer solely utilitarian vehicles and if you look around you will find models that are luxury cars and that offer features such as leather seats and the works. They also now offer comparable space and luggage capacity to rival the gasoline cars. They now come with all the safety features of the typical car and include features such as stability control and airbags.

It is possible in today’s market to get a diesel automobile that will save you a lot in the future. The initial costs may be a bit high but in terms of maintenance and fuel you will save. The diesel automobile is now quite a rival to the gasoline automobile and offers all the features of the gasoline cars but with additional savings.

About the Author:
John Stafford is the webmaster and a contributor for http://www.diesel-generator-central.com, http://www.car-insurance-experts.com.com and http://www.diesel-performance-pros.com
Visit http://www.diesel-generator-central.com/articles to research your next diesel engine or diesel generator then purchase from one of our wide range. http://www.diesel-generator-central.com offers experienced and professional advice to assist you in your next diesel decison.
This article was posted on November 17, 2006
Article Source: articlecity

Thursday, May 03, 2007

18 Tips for Saving Money on Gasoline

Gas prices are on the rise again! Here are some tips to help you conserve gas and save money as we approach summer gas prices.

1. Keep your car tuned up. Cars in poor running condition use more gasoline.

2. Plan trips well to avoid unnecessary driving.

3. When you run your air conditioner you get much worse gas mileage. Use your air conditioner sparingly. If you have a lower setting, use it. Turn it on until the car gets cool, then turn it off and let the fan circulate the cool air. Never run your air conditioner with your windows open!

4. Keep your windows closed when traveling at high speeds. Open windows cause additional drag and lower your gas mileage. At high speeds, an open window can use more gas than many air conditioners (especially if they are on a low setting).

5. Check your tire pressure. Over-inflated tires can actually reduce your fuel efficiency, so don't overfill.

6. If at all possible, change your work start time to avoid gridlock. Stop and go traffic hurts your gas mileage.

7. Take unneeded items out of the car. You don't need to carry snow chains around with you in the summertime. Just make sure to put them back in when winter comes around.

8. Try not to idle your engine for long periods of time. If you are stuck in traffic and you don't think you are going to go anywhere in the next five minutes, you may want to turn your car off.

9. You no longer need to warm your car up for long periods of time, especially new cars. New cars are made to run when cold.

10. Don't travel at fast speeds in low gears unless you need the compression to slow down.

11. Try to drive the speed limit.

12. Try to accelerate slowly when leaving the stop light. It's not a competition with the driver in the lane next to you. The fastest person through the intersection just gets to spend more on gas.

13. No need to buy the highest priced gasoline. Most cars are built to run on regular unleaded. Check you owners manual or consult a mechanic. I have had many tell me that the more expensive gas is a waste of money.

14. Revving the engine needlessly wastes gas. There is no need to rev before you turn your vehicle off.

15. If at all possible, try to arrange car pools with co-workers to share the cost of commuting to work.

16. Walk, bike or run to your intended location whenever possible.

17. When the price is sky high, don't fill up. Wait for the price to go down before you fill up your tank. Filling up your tank when the price is peaking lets gas companies know that you are willing to pay ridiculous prices for gasoline.

18. And last, the biggest and most important step towards saving money on gas is always try to purchase vehicles that get good gas mileage. The difference between 20 miles-per-gallon and 40 miles-per-gallon is huge.

About the author:
Fisher Swanson is a regular contributer to The ThriftyFun.com News. ThriftyFun publishes information about thrifty living. Send an email to thriftyfunnews-on@thriftyfun.com to subscribe to The ThriftyFun.com News.
Circulated by Article Emporium

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Dressing Up the Ordinary Truck With Truck Bed Covers

We all like for our belongings to at least appear unique and special and one of the ways people are achieving this with their vehicles is by having modifications made to stock vehicles at half the price of custom ordering.

Among the more popular modifications for trucks today are truck bed covers that have LED lights, blinking lights, under lighting, back lighting, special graphics, you name it. We are making our vehicles stand out and demand attention.

For those with less ostentatious desires, truck bed covers offer many benefits to drivers of trucks who do not need a massive amount of vertical cargo space. You must keep in mind before making the decision to make this particular modification the fact that you may be entirely sacrificing your ability to carry vertical cargo in your truck. Some are rather hesitant to make this particular decision because the bought their trucks for the ability to do just that. Others however find this no deterrent whatsoever and are ready and willing to make the necessary adjustments to their trucks and their plans.

Truck bed covers are more popular today than at any other point in history and their popularity only seems to be growing with the many modifications and additions that can be made to these covers. This is particular popular among young truck owners while older truck owners tend to select truck bed covers for the safety and security of their cargo alone. Not only do these nifty covers protect your cargo from the damage of sun, surf, wind, and rain; they also protect your belongings from prying eyes and sticky fingers that are looking for a quick grab no matter what it is.

If you have a truck lover in the family who has been eyeing a few truck bed covers for his truck you might want to see if you can either purchase a gift certificate to help him or her get the truck bed covers of their dreams or see if you can get several family members to go in together and buy one for them. It's a great Christmas, wedding, graduation, birthday, or just because gift to give anyone you love. I do recommend unless you know your loved one extremely well, purchasing a gift certificate for the work rather than hijacking their truck and having the work done without their knowledge. It could be that they had something else in mind all together. Gift certificates work great in this particular situation provided you know the store they would select.

While truck bed covers do not make the truck, for many young men and women they make the truck a lot more fun to drive. Whether your goals for purchasing a truck bed cover is the safety of your belongings or adding a little style and pizzazz to your truck, I'm sure there are several truck bed covers that will suit your needs perfectly. Be sure to check out all of your available options thoroughly and completely before making your final decision and choose the one that will best suit your needs and desires for your truck.

About the Author:
For more info on truck bed covers, truck toppers, and truck liners, please visit our website. Truck Bed Covers
Submitted on 2006-10-20
Article Source: http://www.articlesarea.com/

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Things Your Car Should Have

When I am talking about things that your vehicle should have, I am certainly not referring to those simply Daewoo auto parts or Volvo performance parts or Ford truck parts. What this article is referring to are those items or technologies that would certainly give your car that further boost that it, and you, need.

There are already various types of high technology created and developed for vehicles and these technologies have already been made available in the market. However, most of these can only be found on those high priced models or are given out as very expensive options. But still, the future seems to have changing and maybe soon enough, these could already be made available as a standard option and there would be no need for us to shell out any additional cash just to have those technologies for our vehicle.

The Parking Technology – If you certainly hate parking, especially parallel parking, then you may be very grateful for the Intelligent Park Assist system which has been developed by Toyota's Lexus brand. This feature has been made available in the newest versions of the Lexus LS units as well as in the Toyota Prius. There would be no need to sweat through parking. The car will do it all for you.

The Eye For Blind Spots – Most of the accidents that occur in our roads and streets are all because drivers are simply not aware that there are other vehicles around him. This is because those other vehicles are in the driver's blind spot. So the kind of technology that would solve this problem would be those that allow the driver to see through every inch around him including blind spots. Audi already has the Side Assist system which uses LED displays while Volvo has the Blind Spot Information System which utilizes cameras.

The One Which Senses Collisions – This type of system or technology is called the precollision system and it can actually do know if a collision is about to happen. And when it does sense that such a misfortune is about to take place, it actually takes control of some areas of the vehicle so much so that the vehicle is not totally involved in that untoward accident. The Advanced Pre-Collision System from Lexus is an example of such.

The Owl's Eyes – Given the eyes of an owl, one can see through the dark. And if your vehicle sure did give you that kind of vision, accidents at night would surely be lessened. The Night Vision is the name of the system and it has already been offered in various vehicle brands like Cadillac, BMW, Mercedes Benz, and Lexus.

About the Author:
Tracy Dawson is a 29 year old researcher and writer from Dallas, Texas with extensive experience in writing auto-related articles and covering automotive related events. She is currently a contributing writer for a leading automotive e-zine.
Added: 27 Oct 2006
Article Source: http://articles.simplysearch4it.com/article/40615.html