Sunday, April 22, 2007

Why Don't You Try The Low-Car Diet?

October is actually a month of dieting for some fifteen individuals who live in San Francisco's Bay Area. And their new diet? They call it the Low-Car Diet. Yes, you read that right. It's Low-Car Diet, and not Low-Carb Diet.

This diet fest is going to be the very first of its kind in the mentioned place. And this whole thing has been organized by Flexcar. Support for the event is also given out by other transit providers and environmental groups as well which does include the likes of Amtrak, 511 Regional Rideshare Program, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, and the San Francisco Department of the Environment.

On asked why such a event was organized, a spokesperson from Flexcar did say that the Low-Car Diet is actually a challenge for people. It is a way so as to let people see and realize that life is even easier without a car especially in areas where transits are easy to use and are safe. What the fifteen participants would be doing would not be using their own cars for this whole month. Plus, they will be writing in their diaries about the experiences that they have had as a person who does not drive a car around. These would be posted on a website so that other people can see how they are doing and how they are living. Indeed, such is a good way to learn more about life without the wheels.

Sure enough, most people do love having their vehicles around. But what they do not actually think about are all the hassles that having cars bring about. The list does even include the high price of gas, he hard to find Saturn auto parts your car badly needed, and the difficulty to look for a parking space. Even Dana Beard, the San Francisco general manager for of the Low-Car Diet organizer, believe, "People talk about the convenience of having their own car, but they conveniently forget the hassles, such as finding parking, paying tickets, being stuck in traffic and making insurance and car payments every month. Even as record numbers of people have switched to transit for their commute, far too many people still believe that giving up their cars is too much of a sacrifice. This event and these people will show that it's easier than we think to live without owning a car. I look forward to sharing their success stories and motivating thousands of others to do the same."

About the Author:
Joe Ratzkin is an avid fan of anything automotive. This 34-year old bachelor wanted to be a mechanic when he was a kid but changed his mind and became a freelance writer and researcher instead. He is currently based in Chicago, Illinois.
Added: 01 Nov 2006
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