If you own a car, you are supposed to know where the radiator is. But do you know what a radiator does to your car engine and how important it is for total engine efficiency? If you don’t, then it is important that you should read this article.
The radiator on your car is installed there to help disperse the heat created by your car engine. Without the radiator, your car engine would likely overheat and further cease to function.
As you well know a running car engine can pretty well heat up vary fast. Without any heat dispersal unit like the radiator, you car engine will be prone to engine breakdowns that will finally lead to engine damage that will be beyond repair.
The radiator consists of either vertically or horizontally-finned tubing that’s connected between two tanks. Radiators are designed to hold large amounts of water in its tubes and passages, which will give the radiator a large area that is always in contact with the atmosphere.
The water that is inside the radiator is being circulated through the engine through a radiator hose by a water pump. As the water passes through the engine, it absorbs some of the heat and cools off the engine.
The heated water is then pumped back to the radiator where is it cooled again by the outside air that passes through the radiator grille. The cooled water is again circulated back to the engine. This cycle goes on over and over as long as the engine is running and makes for a very efficient cooling system for the car engine.
Water alone in the radiator can do the job in cooling the car engine. But there are also additives available that can improve the water’s cooling properties. That is why many people mix the water with an effective coolant. This makes the water in the radiator quickly disperse the heat that it has absorbed from the engine as well as absorb as much heat as possible as it passes through the car engine.
During winter, especially when the temperature is below freezing, it is advisable to add some antifreeze to the water inside the radiator. If you use water alone on your radiator during the winter, it would likely freeze solid and may damage your radiator and will not effectively work as a cooling unit for your car engine.
The antifreeze prevents the water in the radiator from freezing even on very cold temperatures, thereby enabling the water to circulate from the radiator to the car engine and back again.
There are times when your radiator can’t do its job properly resulting in engine overheat due to very hot summer weather. Engine overheating can be dealt with by simply pulling over by the roadside, opening the hood of your car and letting the engine cool off.
You can also deal with an overheated radiator by turning off the A/C to reduce the engine temperature. Turn on the evaporator fan located in front of the radiator that adds more air going to the car engine.
Then turn on your heater blower and set it to its highest setting. This will cool the car engine by transferring excess heat from the car engine into the passing air.
It is also advisable to check the radiator’s overflow tank coolant level. If it is empty, then your radiator is probably low on coolant. Try to also check your radiator from time to time for leakage. A leaking radiator may cost you loads of preventable expenses later on if left unnoticed for a long time.
About the Author:
James Monahan is the owner and Senior Editor of RadiatorGuide.com and writes expert articles about radiators.
Article Source: http://www.articles2k.com
Sunday, April 29, 2007
The Radiator Factor
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Kohler and Jacobsen Greens King Engines; When To Repower...
Greens grooming equipment is expensive enough that you’d rather repair than replace – but when one of your mowers or rakes starts sputtering a bit on the start, or dies out halfway through the job, it’s tempting to decide that it’s time to go shopping. Before you decide to scrap your old equipment, go through these diagnostic tests. If the machine is still working, but the motor is dying, the best answer may be a new engine, definitely not a new mower.
First, keep in mind that a problem with one part of an engine could well show up as a symptom elsewhere. What looks like a governor problem often turns out to be a balky carburetor. Take the diagnostics step by step all the way through, then evaluate whether the engine is worth the trouble to repair it, or whether it makes more sense to buy a repower kit and drop in a new, more powerful motor.
Problem: Engine will not start.
You can usually divide ‘won’t start’ problems into two causes: fuel or ignition.
1) Make sure the fuel is fresh, and the oil/gas mix is right. As basic as that sounds, bad gas is one of the most common causes of engine failure.
2) Make sure that there’s a spark. Remove a spark plug and ground the hex to bare metal on the motor, then spin the engine. You should see a blue spark jump the gap. If the spark is weak, or there is no spark, try the same thing with a new spark plug. If you still get no spark on an older machine, clean and set the points. On a newer machine, the electronic ignition may need to be replaced.
If you’ve got spark but no start, it’s time to check the carburetor.
1. Check fuel valve and lines to be sure that fresh gas is getting to the carburetor. Don’t forget to check the screens to be sure that they’re clear, and that the fuel cap vent is open.
2. Prime the carburetor with a shot of starting fluid and try to start ‘er up. If it runs for a couple of seconds but then quits, it’s a good bet that the carburetor needs to be rebuilt. A carb kit with quality parts is easy to install. Most dealers will carry a wide assortment of Toro parts and other quality brands.
3. It’s possible that there’s an air leak. Check all the mounting screws and bolts to be sure that they’re snug, and that the gaskets are intact.
Problem: Engine start but runs poorly. (Dies, surges, runs only on choke)
All or any of these could be symptoms of a carburetor problem. 90% of the time, a good cleaning will solve the problem. That means disassembling, cleaning and rebuilding – which will go much smoother if you use the engine manual as your guide.
When your motor springs an oil leak or spouts smoke, it’s trying to tell you something. The color of the smoke and the location of the leak can point to problems that need fixing – or tell you that it’s time to repower the mower with a new Jacobsen Greens king.
Oil smoke or leak near the carburetor can mean the drain holes in the breather cover need to be cleaned. Don’t forget to replace the gasket with a new one picked up at any store that stocks Cushman, Kohler, or Jacobsen Engines.
Oil smoke through the muffler can mean worn rings or worn valve guides. Either one of those is a hint that it’s time to repower that piece of equipment with a new Kohler engine.
Keep in mind that worn-out engines may have more than one problem. If you’d rather not spend the next several months pulling that same piece of equipment back into the shop for yet another repair, your best option may be a complete repower using a remanufactured or new Cushman engine.
About the Author:
Ben Anton lives in Portland, OR.
Ben works for a portland web design and marketing company named Labworks Design. Labworks specializes in all aspects of media development, branding, and professional web design.
Repower Cushman Motor
Jacobsen Greens King Engines
Article Source: http://www.articles411.com
Friday, April 27, 2007
Tips on How to Save on Car Repairs: The Car Owner’s Ultimate Guide Book to Savings
Are you one of those few people who are having trouble in getting their cars repaired and drain their finances as well? If you are, then, it is high time you start looking for ways to save on car repairs and save more in your piggy banks.
Defective cars aren't even worthy to be sold without getting all the necessary repairs. You can't even exchange it with another car without getting it repaired.
You are left with no choice at all but to get it fixed. The only problem is that without the appropriate guidelines you need in choosing the right repairs, you can be spending more than what you can afford.
With the high prices going on in the market today, no one can really afford to have their cars repaired in very expensive packages. So you have to think of ways to save more on car repairs.
You can trim down on car repairs and save more cash on an ordinary basis without opting to excessive ways. Here’s how you can save on car repairs:
1. Do your homework
One of the greatest problems most motorists encounter is that they spend more on car repairs simply because they didn't choose the best mechanic or repair service for their cars.
Through research, you can identify the right mechanic and the right shop.
2. Take note of the things that need to be repaired
Before you go to your mechanic, it is best to have all the necessary repairs listed on a piece of paper. In this way, you can tell your mechanic right way the things that need to be repaired. This will prevent unnecessary repairs or misunderstandings on the type of repairs that your car needs. Unnecessary repairs will only add up to your repair expenses.
3. Shop and compare
To get the best quotes on car repairs, try to shop around and compare prices. In this way, you can evaluate and contrast prices enabling you to find the best quotes possible.
Never grab the first repair shop you find. By looking around, you can still find better shops than what you have right now.
4. Try to make every transaction in black and white
This means that before you commit yourself in a particular repair job, it is best to have the estimate written on a piece of paper. Try to acquire a copy of your own. This will prevent unnecessary accumulation of extra charges, which weren't included on the first estimation.
Keep in mind that not all job repairs were created equal and not all mechanics are honest. So it is best to protect yourself as always.
5. Acquire your car’s old parts before you let the mechanic start the repair process
There are certain car parts that can still be rebuilt. So never let your mechanic take the chance of acquiring these things. You can have them repaired on some machine shops and cut back your expenses on the next repair.
6. Know your way around
If you don't know your way around car repairs, it is best to ask someone (definitely not your mechanic) for some second opinions. In this way, you can decide which things need greater considerations.
Besides, if you will just let your mechanic decide on your car’s repair process, you might pay more than what you can imagine.
Better yet, learn some easy-to-read modules on car maintenance. In this way, you will learn some important matters regarding car parts. This will enable you to differentiate the important repairs from those that you can do by yourself.
7. Ask for the warranty
Some repair shops offer warranties on the services that they make. Take note of this so that you can be sure not to spend another hundred dollars for the same repair in just a few days.
Furthermore, warranties can guarantee high quality repairs so you can be sure that your car and your pocket are in good hands.
Indeed, car repairs can't be avoided. These are the things that you have to learn to live with.
Finding good repair shops aren't that hard. Just try to remember these pointers and you will surely spend less with car repairs.
About the Author:
Ainuddin Mohamad is the Webmaster of BestWebsites.com.my and OnlineReadingCenter.com.
Please visit http://www.BestWebsites.com.my and http://www.OnlineReadingCenter.com if you're looking for links to best websites and quality articles.
This article was posted on November 13, 2006
Article Source: articlecity
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Simple Fuel Saving Ideas And Tips
With today's gas prices now well over $3.00 a gallon in many areas we all need to find ways to cut our fuel costs. I think most would agree we can do a better job cutting our cost with a little effort in how we drive and maintain our vehicles.
First we need to pay close attention to how we drive. Speed I think most would agree is one area we all need to do a better job in. SLOW DOWN. This in itself will increase our mileage a great deal. Another area is using our brakes, when just driving a little slower would get us there just as fast and again save fuel. Be ready when it is your turn at a stop light or sign to start moving, this will save a jack rabbit start which again takes more fuel than a smooth start. By anticipating and being more alert as to what is going on far ahead and being ready when it is time to change lanes, will also add to our fuel savings. Most of these things just take a retraining of ourselves and habits. You might think these little things don't really make a difference, but all added together you will be pleasantly surprised.
Other things to consider include things like using the best route for the time of day we're driving. If for example we could find a route with less stop and go traffic, this would help. Once your engine heats up most will use less fuel, but idling at a stoplight for more than 30 seconds at several stops will cost you. Try to combine errands and trips by planning ahead, instead of say 4 trips a week making only 2 is again a winner. Although most of us like the free feeling of driving our own car, we might take a look at car pooling as another way to save fuel. Most of these things might at first seem like a lot of work, you might be surprised how much more relaxed you feel knowing you are doing a better job driving and are saving money.
Other tips, be sure to turn off the air conditioning when not needed again this could add as much as two miles per gallon to your fuel savings. Proper maintenance is another area that should not be over looked. Keep your engine tuned up, this in it self could be a big fuel saver. You might also want to consider switching to a different brand of motor oil for further fuel saving. For this I would check with the person who does your oil changing, he can explain the different oils that could save you money on your fuel cost.
Keep your tires at the proper pressure. As you make changes in your driving habits and maintenance you might want to keep a log for awhile so you will know how much the change has helped you save fuel. Once you see the savings it will be like a game to see where else you can find ways to cut your fuel cost. I believe many of us out there have accepted the rise in fuel cost as a way of life, let's not settle for that. Things can get better for all of us if we all do what we can to conserve fuel, and save money on gas.
About the Author:
Mike Eggert
Simple money saving tips and more great ideas on how to save gas are available at FuelFrugal.com
Submitted: 2006-08-31
Article Source: GO Articles
Monday, April 23, 2007
5 Tips On Making Your Car More Fuel Efficient
With gas prices sky high most individuals who drive are interested in ways they can make their car more fuel efficient and save as much money as possible. While there are no fuel saving tips that will keep your car full of gas without filling up, there are some tips that really can help you save money on fuel over the long run. All of these tips focus on making your car more fuel efficient.
Fuel Efficiency Tip #1 Drive When You Crank Up
This might seem obvious, but as soon as you crank up your car you should drive off. However, many people crank up and leave the car idling for a while. Instead of this, when you crank up drive off and only keep your car running when it is absolutely necessary.
Fuel Efficiency Tip #2 Don’t Ride the Break
Many drivers hit the break more often than is necessary. Additionally there are quite a few drivers that slow down for a braking car when they could easily switch lanes. Not riding the break can increase your fuel efficiency by up to 30%, so this is a great tip you should follow.
Fuel Efficiency Tip #3 Turn Off Your Car
If you are going to be stopping for more than 10 minutes you should switch off your car to keep fuel efficiency at its peak and not burn more gas than is necessary.
Fuel Efficiency Tip #4 Don’t Turn Off Your Car
If you are only stopping for a brief moment or less than 5 minutes then don’t turn off your car because the amount of gas used to crank up is more than you would burn in that short period of time.
Fuel Efficiency Tip #5 Inflate Tires Properly
Too many drivers never think of their tires, unless one goes flat. However, having tires that are properly inflated can save fuel and make your car more fuel efficient, saving you money. Because of this, you should check your tire pressure on a regular basis.
While gas prices don’t seem like they will be dipping considerably in the next few months every tip to help you make your car more fuel efficient is helpful. So, follow the above fuel tips and you will see that over time your car really is more fuel efficient.
About the author:
Craig Rowe
SearchArticles.Net offers articles, tips and information on a variety of subjects including cars and trucks. For more tips for your car visit http://www.SearchArticles.Net
Circulated by Article Emporium
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Why Don't You Try The Low-Car Diet?
October is actually a month of dieting for some fifteen individuals who live in San Francisco's Bay Area. And their new diet? They call it the Low-Car Diet. Yes, you read that right. It's Low-Car Diet, and not Low-Carb Diet.
This diet fest is going to be the very first of its kind in the mentioned place. And this whole thing has been organized by Flexcar. Support for the event is also given out by other transit providers and environmental groups as well which does include the likes of Amtrak, 511 Regional Rideshare Program, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, and the San Francisco Department of the Environment.
On asked why such a event was organized, a spokesperson from Flexcar did say that the Low-Car Diet is actually a challenge for people. It is a way so as to let people see and realize that life is even easier without a car especially in areas where transits are easy to use and are safe. What the fifteen participants would be doing would not be using their own cars for this whole month. Plus, they will be writing in their diaries about the experiences that they have had as a person who does not drive a car around. These would be posted on a website so that other people can see how they are doing and how they are living. Indeed, such is a good way to learn more about life without the wheels.
Sure enough, most people do love having their vehicles around. But what they do not actually think about are all the hassles that having cars bring about. The list does even include the high price of gas, he hard to find Saturn auto parts your car badly needed, and the difficulty to look for a parking space. Even Dana Beard, the San Francisco general manager for of the Low-Car Diet organizer, believe, "People talk about the convenience of having their own car, but they conveniently forget the hassles, such as finding parking, paying tickets, being stuck in traffic and making insurance and car payments every month. Even as record numbers of people have switched to transit for their commute, far too many people still believe that giving up their cars is too much of a sacrifice. This event and these people will show that it's easier than we think to live without owning a car. I look forward to sharing their success stories and motivating thousands of others to do the same."
About the Author:
Joe Ratzkin is an avid fan of anything automotive. This 34-year old bachelor wanted to be a mechanic when he was a kid but changed his mind and became a freelance writer and researcher instead. He is currently based in Chicago, Illinois.
Added: 01 Nov 2006
Article Source: http://articles.simplysearch4it.com/article/41021.html
Friday, April 20, 2007
Have You Considered A Camping Tent For Your Truck
Most stores are selling out of truck tents. Truck tents are a great way to incorporate the extra space from the back of the truck as your own personal camping area. For the price of a regular hotel you can purchase your own tents that will last for several years. These tents are easy to put up anything used almost anywhere in less than 20 minutes.
Truck tents are becoming more and more popular everywhere from West Coast to the East Coast and all the cities in between. Most stores are selling out of truck tents. Truck tents are a great way to incorporate the extra space from the back of the truck as your own personal camping area. For the price of a regular hotel you can purchase your own tents that will last for several years. These tents are easy to put up anything used almost anywhere in less than 20 minutes.
Sleeping outside is always a fun way to spend family time why not use the bed of your truck as your tent you will be surprised at how easy a truck tent is. You can also purchase an air mattress to use in your truck tent, then you'll be off the ground and sleeping on a comfortable mattress. These types of tents are very new but they are growing in popularity every day.
There are two major types of truck tents; one that has its own floor and one without floors. If you choose a tent that has a sewn in floor you will have to take out everything from the bed of your truck before you can put the tent up. If you purchase a tent without floors, then you can leave your gear in the truck while you set up the tent.
Some companies that sell truck tents will recommend that you face the truck a certain direction when camping. Usually the manufacturers will recommend that the front of the truck is facing into the wind. If you do decide to face your truck into the wind you may notice that it will help keep the rain out of your truck or tent. Many of the higher and truck tents are tight enough that it does not matter which way you face your vehicle.
Another major difference between truck tents is the type of polls that are used. Some manufacturers give tent poles that are color coded so they are a lot easier to install. For the tents that do not come with color coded tent poles many people do adjust to this and learn quickly how to install their truck tent correctly. Another downside to the variety of tent poles is that some tent poles actually require you to crawl inside the tent in order to put the tent up.
If you enjoy camping and you own a truck you should definitely try a truck tent. They are great way to enjoy the outdoors while sleeping off of the ground. Because you're sleeping off of the ground you're less likely to get wet from the ground. Also the sides of the truck offer you more protection from the wind and cold and you may find that you are warmer in a truck tent than you would be an irregular tent. Truck tents are a great new way for families and couples to enjoy the great outdoors together they do not cost very much money and you can find tents to fit almost every model of vehicle. The next time you are thinking about buying a new tent consider buying a truck tent.
About the Author:
Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about this as well as a ford truck accessories at http://www.truck-accessories-parts.com
Submitted on 2006-11-10
Article Source: http://www.articlesarea.com/
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Better Than a Car Wash
How much do you spend at the car wash each year? Here in the Northeast where road salt eats car finishes for breakfast, it’s not unusual to spend $50 or more a month protecting your car from damage. Why throw money down the drain at the local car wash when you can do it yourself at home – and get the satisfaction of a job well done.
The Right Tools make all the difference. A pressure washer is one of those pieces of equipment that will pay for itself in just a few months. Not only can you use it to power your car clean, you’ll find that it does a great job of cleaning your siding, brightening wood decks and just about any other power cleaning job there is.
Here’s how to clean and polish your car better than a car wash, using a pressure washer and some specialty car care polish products.
• Start by rinsing your car thoroughly using a fine water spray. The first rinse will wash away dust and dirt that’s on the surface of the car.
• Get up under the undercarriage by using an angled extension wand. Road salt is a killer on the undercarriage and wheel wells.
• Use the right detergent - (Pressure Washer Vehicle and Boat Wash) one that has been approved for use in your pressure washer. Dishwashing liquid or laundry detergent isn’t made for your car. The harsh solvents will ruin the finish – and won’t even get at most of the road dirt.
• Apply the detergent starting from the bottom, using smooth strokes. Now go get yourself a cold drink while you give the washing solution time to work. Ten minutes or so is just right.
• Use a rotating brush instead of rags or sponges. Less elbow grease needed – and even better, less chance of damage to your car. The soft bristles of the brush are made not to scratch your finish.
• Rinse using high pressure. Here’s where technique pays off. Remember that water at high pressure CAN damage your car, and be sure to stand a few feet away and angle the spray to glance over the surface rather than pounding into it.
• Carefully dry your car, using soft, absorbent terry cloth. You can buy car wash cloths from a store that sells auto detailing supplies or car cleaning supplies. Chamois or terry is the best, say most experts. There’s no lint and no chance of scratching the car’s finish instead of cleaning it.
• About every six months, protect that new car shine with a new coat of wax. A coat of good quality car wax will help protect the car’s finish from dirt and road grime. In between waxing, you can renew that just-waxed shine with a car care polish product that treats your car’s surface with a repellant coat of silicone (Quick Shine Car Polish)
• Don’t forget the interior. Vacuum the carpets, and clean dash and upholstery with a product meant to freshen and remove stains from vinyl and leather (Vinyl and Leather Cleaner and Polish/Protectant)
Having the right car cleaning supplies and tools can save you money in the long run – and ensure that your car looks great for years.
Visit http://www.fuller-brush-products.com
About the Author:
Vincent Platania represents the Fuller Brush Company.
Fuller Brush has been in business since 1906, and offers safe, environmentally friendly products for keeping your home and your body clean.
Visit http://www.fuller-brush-products.com
This article was posted on November 17, 2006
Article Source: articlecity
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Professional Maintenance Tips To Get Your Car Ready For The Road
Anytime of year can be the right time to get your car in tip-top shape. Experts know that a top-notch pit crew can make the difference between winning or being an also-ran-even if you're just getting ready for the next family trip. That's why it's important to remember that not all auto repair technicians are created equal.
Just ask Todd Berrier, crew chief for Kevin Harvick, driver of the No. 29 GM Goodwrench Chevy Monte Carlo SS. "It's my job to make sure Kevin (Harvick's) car is in perfect working condition at every race," said Berrier.
He recommends having a trained technician "sweat the details" like he does and inspect the following before you hit the road:
• Tire pressure: About 20 percent of cars inspected in check lanes during National Car Care Month have underinflated tires, which can result in blowouts and serious accidents. Underinflation is the leading cause of tire failure, according to the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA). In addition, low tire pressure can reduce gas mileage by up to 3.3 percent.
• Wipers: Generally, wipers should be replaced every six months, ideally in the spring and fall, making now the perfect time to take a look at them. Also, make sure the windshield washers work properly and keep the washer fluid reservoir full.
• Lubricants and Fluids: Nearly 30 percent of vehicles failed inspections as a result of too little, too much or dirty motor oil, and 26 percent had low, overfull or burnt transmission fluid. Twenty-one percent had low or dirty power steering fluid, 23 percent had low or contaminated brake fluid, and 18 percent failed the washer fluid inspection. Improper fluid levels affect your vehicle's safety and can damage vehicle components.
• Parts: It is important to have items such as belts and hoses regularly inspected and replaced with the right parts when needed. Genuine GM replacement parts, for example, are manufactured to the same specifications of the company's vehicles. A broken belt or ruptured hose can cause costly engine damage and travel delays.
"Regular vehicle maintenance and inspections can help improve a vehicle's fuel efficiency, achieve peak performance and even help avoid major repairs down the road," said Peter Lord, executive director, GM Service Operations.
Lord also emphasizes the importance of technician training when it comes to getting superior maintenance.
For instance, according to federal statistics and Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), only about half of the 820,000 auto service technicians in the U.S. are certified by ASE, an industry-recognized leader in technician certification.
He points out that not only are GM Goodwrench technicians ASE-certified-and recertified every five years-they receive additional training beyond the ASE requirements.
These technicians are prepped to maintain and repair GM vehicles with a full line of products for one-stop service at over 7,000 GM dealership locations nationwide.
About the Author:
David Sanders
For more information, visit the GM Goodwrench Web site at www.goodwrench.com.
To stay connected to the GM Goodwrench #29 team, Kevin Harvick, promotions and other GM Goodwrench motorsports information, check out the new Goodwrench racing microsite at www.gmgoodwrench.com/racing
Article Source: http://www.articles2k.com
Monday, April 16, 2007
Backing Up Your Vehicle Need Not Be Guesswork
For drivers, they all do know that when they do back up their cars, their sport utility vehicles, they luxury units, or even their pickup trucks, they could easily bump into someone or something. With this, most drivers do consider backup as something quite dangerous. This is mostly because of the fact that directly in the rear of your vehicle are those areas that they call blind spots.
However, companies and businesses who are in the auto industry do try to make sure that any problems are lessened. For example, if the Ford truck parts being produced are mediocre, they make sure that changes are done and any kinds of problems are remedied. And as per the blind spot challenge, Gentex Corporation, which is based in Michigan, has created and developed a kind of video display that you can use when you backup your vehicle. With this one, you would be able to see what is behind your vehicle on your automatic dimming rearview mirror which is also created by Gentex.
Fred Bauer is the chief executive officer and also the chairman of Gentex. With this creation of theirs, he says, "We are excited about this product from a safety perspective, as it should help reduce the risk of backup accidents for any vehicle, many of which involve small children playing directly behind the vehicle. It also may help to prevent vehicular damage from backing up into objects that otherwise would go undetected by the driver."
You see, the display mirror actually has a part which is made up of liquid crystal display or LCD. This is where you could actually see what is in the view of the video in your vehicle's rear. When you put your car in reverse, the display lights up and you can see what is behind your vehicle. But you start to put the vehicle on drive, the display in your rearview mirror simply disappears and you get your ordinary rearview mirror.
Bauer does continue to say, "When it comes to backing up safely, nothing beats walking around the vehicle prior to moving it. But the video display mirror delivers peace of mind while backing up because it provides a view directly behind the vehicle and helps you identify potential hazards in your rearward path."
About the Author:
Sarah McBride
As a manager of one of the largest auto store in Springfield, Massachusetts, Sarah has extensive expertise on auto parts and automotives in general. This 42 year old is a certified car enthusiast.
Added: 03 Nov 2006
Article Source: http://articles.simplysearch4it.com/article/41416.html
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Car Repair 101
The more you notice about your vehicle, the more likely you'll be able to head off repair problems. Yep- even if you're mechanically challenged. You can detect many common vehicle problems by using your eyes and nose.
“See No Evil”
Is there a little stain or a drop of fluid under your vehicle? It may mean absolutely nothing. But you do want to check the wet spots immediately - just to make sure.
What color is the fluid under your car? Yellowish green, pretty blue or neon orange colors indicate an overheated engine or an antifreeze leak caused by a bad hose, water pump or leaking radiator. Not good. I remember the yellowish green ooze from my Chevette as the tow truck took it away to its final resting place. Get to a repair shop while you still can!
A dark brown or black oily fluid means the engine is leaking oil. A bad seal or gasket could cause the leak. This is how my first car met its demise.
A red oily looking spot indicates a transmission or power-steering fluid leak. Also, not good.
A puddle of clear water usually isn't a cause for concern. It may be normal condensation from your vehicle's air conditioner. Whew!
“Smell no Evil”
Take a whiff, and you may detect your vehicle's problem.
Do you smell burned toast? This odor often signals an electrical short and burning insulation. Have someone come look at your car. Don't drive it anywhere until the problem is diagnosed.
How about the smell of rotten eggs? This usually indicates a problem in the catalytic converter. Get to a repair shop! Pheee-yew!
A thick sharp odor usually means burning oil. Look for the sign of a leak. This problem needs to be addressed immediately if having transportation is important to you. You may also notice a bluish smoke coming from your vehicle. Ask me how I know. Ahh… memories.
The smell of gas after a failed start may mean the engine is flooded. Wait a few minutes and try again. If the odor continues, there may be a leak in the fuel system - a potentially dangerous problem that needs immediate attention.
A chemical odor may mean overheated brakes or clutch. Check the parking brake. Stop and let the brakes cool after repeated hard braking. Light smoke coming from a wheel indicates a stuck brake. Call a tow truck.
Do you notice a sweet odor? This may indicate a coolant leak. Watch your temperature gauge and warning light and drive to a repair shop. Now, if you see steam from under the hood, stop and pull over. If you keep driving an overheated vehicle, your engine will be seriously damaged. Call a tow truck.
The basic rule of smell is that if you do notice an unusual odor - get to a mechanic or get one to come to you. Pretty simple!
A little extra attention to what’s coming out of your car or truck could save you the cost of a new vehicle payment! Keep those eyes and that nose on the job!
About the author:
Simon Harris
This article provided courtesy of http://www.car-leasing-guide.com
Circulated by Article Emporium
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Why not fix your “check engine light” problem in your dash panel?
Nowadays, as soon as there is a problem in your engine or vehicle body, a check engine light will flash in your dash panel warning you of a failure in your engine or electronic system. A lot times, vehicle owners are so intimidated by this light that they go automatically to the dealer or a local garage. Sometimes, for a 5 minute job, a garage can charge you about $50 or higher for this but the truth of the matter is, this check engine light is easy to diagnose if you know how to do it.
Introducing a blog called http://check-engine-light-codes.blogspot.com/ published for vehicles owners so they can learn how to deal the check engine lights in their dash panel. Updated almost daily; all topics discussed deals with check engine light problems like:
What is the meaning of check engine lights?
What is an engine trouble code?
How do you retrieve the code yourself so you don’t have to go to a garage?
What is on board diagnostic (obd) methods and their categories like obd1 and obd2?
How to recover obd1 codes (1985-1995) for both domestic and imported vehicles?
Important tips for troubleshooting check engine lights obd1 codes and much more!
Because most blogs are fresh and relevant, you can check what applies to your vehicle so you can start diagnosing check engine light problems. You can even get the latest technique for getting the obd1 trouble codes for both domestic and imported vehicles. The info are straight forward so that next time you see your check engine light, you should be able to get the code…yourself without using any expensive tools!
To assist you so you can diagnose the code for any model of vehicle, some practical trouble shooting tips on check engine lights are discussed:
How to use your diagnostic connector and a jumper wire?
Where to find your engine computer or controller?
Meaning and fixes of some popular obd1 codes?
Quick fix strategies in fixing obd1 codes!
Because most vehicles made after 1995 are covered by obd2 system, in the future the obd2 codes will be discussed extensively after covering obd1. Here are some projected articles to be explored on obd2:
How to get obd2 codes without paying the garage?
Where to buy cheap obd2 code scanner?
How to fix the popular common obd2 codes?
So why not give it a shot? Try it and start solving your check engine light codes beginning today! Here is the link again to test your check engine light:
About the Author:
This is Richard Trent's blog for vehicle owners who want to save money on car repairs. Please visit at http://check-engine-light-codes.blogspot.com/
Article Source: http://www.articles411.com
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Automotive Upholstery Care
There's nothing quite like that "new car smell", but chances are, time has caused your vehicle to smell like a combination of tennis shoes, tobacco and wet dog. There's no magic potion to regain the original luster of your car's interior, but with a little elbow grease and detailing, you can breath new life, and a fresher scent, into tired upholstery.
Automotive upholstery comes in a variety of materials and fabrics including vinyl, leather, cloth and velour. Maintaining the durability and cleanliness of automotive upholstery can be quite expensive, as many upholstery professionals charge expensive rates to remove the smallest stain. Fortunately, there are a number of inexpensive tricks that you can do to clean up the kind of minor accidents you'll encounter during your daily drive.
These automotive upholstery care tips can involve the use of common household products that are easy to use and readily available. However, you must keep in mind that major stains or marks might require the assistance of a professional automotive upholstery service to avoid further damage caused by improper treatment.
* Cleaning Automotive Upholstery
Common automotive upholstery, like many fabrics, can be easily cleaned. Eliminate all surface dust using a small vacuum, and then use a crevice tool for detailing between small cracks and spaces in the upholstery. Leather and vinyl upholstery must be cleaned using a suitable cleaning solution with protector. This added protection helps to maintain a pliable leather surface, and prolongs its beautiful appearance.
* Spills
It's bound to happen to any commuter: you hit the tiniest bump or hit the brakes, and you've got a spill on your upholstery. When it happens, try to soak up as much of the liquid from the surface of the upholstery as you can, as quickly as possible. On cloth or velour seats, use a cotton rag or wads of paper towels to soak up the liquid. You'll need to apply heavy pressure to get as much of the liquid as possible from the upholstery.
* Heavy Stains
Heavy stains can give you a heavy heart, but don't be too quick to bring out stain removing chemicals that can damage upholstery. For most colored stains on automotive upholstery, especially noticeable ones, try dabbing the affected area with a baby wipe. If that does not lift the stain, try pre-treating the spot with a little soda water.
* Odor Removal
Aside from obvious sources like spilled beverages, automotive upholstery can easily pick up odors that circulate throughout the rest of the vehicle. After a while, the scent of the upholstery itself can be quite overwhelming, even after the odorous perpetrator has long since vanished. Cigarettes, drive-thru fast food bags and even innocent cups of coffee will all leave a lasting impression. In most cases, deodorizing sprays can clear the air. Make sure that the windows are open when you spray, to let harmful fumes escape. If your stinky culprit is cigarette smoke, more drastic measures can be in order to drive the odor away. Try to snuff out the smoke smell by shampooing the carpet with a quality commercial product. If the smell persists, you'll need to seek professional help.
* Leather Upholstery Care
There is nothing more luxurious than a car with leather seats. Automotive leather is the pinnacle of upholstery options, but can also be the hardest to maintain. If your automobile is clad in leather, you've already made quite an investment, and you know that it requires meticulous care. Most leather interiors undergo more wear and tear than fine leather furniture, and require the same degree of care. As with any type of leather, automotive leather upholstery reacts unfavorably to extreme temperatures. Premature deterioration, cracked surfaces and a dull appearance can be caused by severe hot and cold, water and excess dryness.
* Spills on Leather
Unlike fabric seats, sudden spills on leather upholstery can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth. Leather upholstery must be maintained with protectant. Purchase protectant specially developed for leather automotive upholstery, and apply it regularly to preserve the supple feel and natural moisture of the leather. Your beautiful leather seats can easily become a sticky, grubby mess. Avoid build-up by wiping away surface residue and dust on a regular basis.
Automobiles are big investments, and maintaining your car will help retain its value. With proper automotive upholstery care, you'll be able to keep your automobile looking--and smelling--just like a new car.
About the Author:
James Williams contributes to several web sites, including http://rukar.com and http://yuzie.com.
This article was posted on November 21, 2006
Article Source: articlecity
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Let Hydraulics Stop Your Car!
Hydraulics is a branch of engineering science which is concerned with the mechanical properties of liquids and the general power of fluids.
It is also focused mainly on the engineering uses of fluid properties. Hydraulics, therefore, derived its theoretical foundation fluid mechanics. Hydraulics spans a vast scope of topics, ranging from science to engineering disciplines.
Among the concepts it covers include dam designs, turbines, pumps, circuitry, pipe flow, hydropower, river channel behavior and erosion.
Machineries using the principles of hydraulics include bulldozers, backhoes, forklifts, cranes, and shovel loaders. Hydraulics is also the reason why we see cars being lifted in service centers so that technicians can work beneath them.
It is also because of this same technique that elevators operate. Airplane surfaces are operated and controlled by hydraulics, and even the brakes in our cars use hydraulics.
The idea behind hydraulic systems is simple. It states that force applied at a point gets transmitted to the next point with the use of an incompressible fluid, which is usually a type of oil. In the process, the force is being multiplied.
In a simple hydraulic system, two pistons are connected by a pipe which is filled by oil. These pistons are installed into two glass cylinders which are filled with oil. The glass cylinders are then connected to each other by a pipe filled with oil.
When force is applied to one piston, the force is transferred to the next piston through the oil in the pipe. Because oil cannot be compressed, the efficiency is very good because all of the force applied shows in the second piston.
The pipe which connects the cylinders can also come in any length, shape and size, so it can bend, twist, or turn through all the things separating the two pistons. This pipe can also be a fork, which simply means that one master cylinder can drive one or more slave cylinders.
In hydraulics, it is very important that the system eliminates air bubbles. The presence of air bubbles in the system affects its efficiency as the force being applied to a piston compresses the air in the bubble rather than transferring it to the second piston.
The brakes in a car are the simplest example of piston-driven hydraulic system. As the brake pedal is pressed down, it pushes the piston in the brake’s master cylinder. This action drives four slave pistons to push the brake pads towards the brake rotor so the car stops.
The force coming from your leg is not enough to stop the car, so car multiples the force. This is called hydraulic multiplication. In most cars today, there are two master cylinders driving two lave cylinders each.
This design allows the car to brake or stop even if there is problem in the first brake, or if there is an oil leak. In other hydraulic systems, valves connect cylinders and pistons to a pump which supplies high-pressure oil. The valve applies forward and backward force to the pistons.
You can see large hydraulic machines in construction sites. These machines, driven by hydraulic power include excavators, skidloaders (also known as the “bobcat”, because it was the name given by its first manufacturers), and dump trucks.
When you see these machines, remember that despite their enormous sizes, the common force driving them comes from hydraulics.
About the Author:
James Monahan is the owner and Senior Editor of HydraulicZone.com and writes expert articles about hydraulics.
Article Source: http://www.articles2k.com
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Check Your Tire Pressure During The Season To Be Jolly
The season to be jolly is once again just around the corner. It is the time for giving gifts. It is the time for family and friends. It is the time for good home-cooked food. It is the time for Christmas trees and wonderful lights. It is the time to share your smiles. It is the time for Santa Claus. It is a time merely to be just happy. And it is also a time for cool weather so much so that it is important that we do check everything else that could be affected by such a change in climate.
One thing we should first be aware of is that we should be able to do check our tires' pressure. The change in weather – from hot and humid to cool and crisp – would sure do take its effects on your tires. And your tires may not seem to have changed but the air inside them does feel the cold. Other parts of your vehicle like your Volvo 240 parts may not suffer at all, but your tires sure do.
In line with this, the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers has just launched a new kind of campaign that informs consumers about safety. This new campaign is focused mostly on consumer safety and the essence of having to maintain the right kind of tire pressure during the cold season.
By launching an interactive site, the alliance does believe that they could provide people and consumers information on tire pressure. They have tests where visitors could check their knowledge and in the process, they could also learn more about all other aspects of tire pressure. With this, Fred Webber does share: "Cooler fall temperatures are here and the holiday driving season is around the corner. Our goal is to urge the driving public to check their vehicle's tire pressure at least once a month and before going on long driving tips. Vehicles are being equipped with Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems and we want to educate the driving public about what these new symbols mean in their vehicles and why maintaining proper tire pressure is important."
About the Author:
Kenneth McKinley is a 35-year old marketing specialist of voparts.com, a leading Volvo parts dealer in the country today. Working in the car parts industry for a long time now and being a car enthusiast himself gives him a wealth of knowledge on anything automotive.
Added: 01 Nov 2006
Article Source: http://articles.simplysearch4it.com/article/41049.html
Monday, April 02, 2007
Clean Car for Good Gas Mileag
In addition to all the practical ways, such as not speeding, keeping proper tire pressure and combining several trips into one there are many more ways you can increase gas mileage by simply taking good care of your vehicle.
Keep the engine well tuned and in good running order.
Make sure the spark plugs are in good shape.
Be sure the valves are adjusted properly.
Keep the carburetor clean. A dirty carburetor can cause a car to use 5 to 9 percent more gas than a clean one.
Maintain a clean catalytic converter.
Keep air filters clean. Clogged air filters lower fuel consumption as much as 10%.
Faulty oxygen sensors lower fuel consumption by as much as 40 percent.
Make sure the automatic choke is working properly.
Change the oil regularly as recommended by your cars manual.
Remove snow tires as soon as possible in the spring and replace them with radial tires to gain a 4 percent gas efficiency.
Remove roof and ski racks if not using them regularly. The wind drag caused by these additions reduce fuel efficiency by 5 percent.
Remove unnecessary items from the car and trunk. For every 100 pounds the car eats up 0.5 percent more gas.
For pickup owners remove the tailgate or put it down if not using it. Or replace it with the net-type of gate or use a bed cover. Tailgates cause a drag effect reducing gas mileage by as much as 15 percent.
When driving in muddy conditions clean the car often. Mud under the bumpers and wheel wells add on unnecessary weight.
And lastly, one popular myth today is to pour acetone, or nail polish remover which is mostly acetone, into the gas tank. In tests performed on the gas lines, the thickness of the fuel line went from 3/8 to 1/32 in just 3 days. Acetone, if spilled, will also eat the paint and finish on your vehicle.
For more information on keeping your car clean visit:
About the author:
Marilyn Pokorney
Freelance writer of science, nature, animals and the environment.
Also loves crafts, gardening, and reading.
Website: http://www.apluswriting.net
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Sunday, April 01, 2007
Buy A New Truck Camper To Get The Most Out Of Your New Truck
Three manufactures of truck campers have released models that make it possible to bring the creature comforts of home along for the ride while testing your skills in the great outdoors.
Hitch your Wagon to a Star with New Truck Campers
Do thoughts of lumpy sleeping bags, cold hot dogs and collapsing tents scare you away from camping outside? If so, there's no longer reason to be afraid. Three manufactures of truck campers have released models that make it possible to bring the creature comforts of home along for the ride while testing your skills in the great outdoors.
From the manufacturer Lance come the models listed below.
Lance Lite Series 815:
A shower, toilet, sink, heater, and stove are just a few of the amenities this camper has to offer. After a long day outside, you'll also be able to get a good night's sleep in the queen sized bed this self contained camper provides for your comfort.
Lance Series 951:
Improved for 2006, the Lance Series 951 gives you more bang for your buck by adding more storage and tank capacities than previous models have in the past. It also includes a dinette eating area and refrigerator and comes complete with a top of the line roof and fiber glass exterior.
Lance Series 1181:
A premier camper that really does include everything…and the kitchen sink! With a dry bath, large pantry, ample drawers for storage, extensive counter space, a full sized refrigerator and wardrobe, the Lance Series 1181 is ideal for those who can make do with the bare necessities.
From the manufacturer Palomino:
Ideal to tow from your pick up truck, the lightweight Bronco won't weight you down during your travels. This folding model, operated by a manual crank, has tough side walls, a durable vinyl roof and lots of room to relax.
Affordable and rugged, the Yearling is a great choice for those looking to charter new ground. Complete with the all the niceties you need when on the road, this camper is perfect for a family looking for easy living and great value.
Get ready to roll with this aerodynamic hybrid trailer called the Stampede. Completely furnished with a roomy living area and additional storage space, adds to the appeal of this all-aluminum option from Palomino.
From the manufacturer Bigfoot:
1500 Series
In need of an RV? Look to the four models of the 1500 Series. Crafted from molded fiberglass and polystyrene insulation, each of the Bigfoot options available top quality appliances and three different interior looks from which to select.
2500 Series
Camp in rain or shine with this weather resistant, durable camper. Well insulated and constructed, campers in this series come complete with exterior storage space and a wastewater holding tank heated by a furnace.
3000 Series
The wide-body series from Bigfoot uses their exclusive Fibercore Wall System to provide a superior level of insulation. Campers in the 3000 Series also include all of the features Bigfoot makes standard in their models, like a dual battery compartment and a high output furnace.
About the Author:
Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about this as well as discount truck accessories at http://www.truckaccessoriesetc.com
Submitted on 2006-11-01
Article Source: http://www.articlesarea.com/