Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Emergence of Hybrid Car: The Alternative of Future Vehicle

Almost all people from all level of life are troubled and worried about the rapid hikes in oil prices. Therefore, the purpose of driving cars is forcefully narrowed into plain necessity. Otherwise, it would be totally impractical.

Due to this rapid increase of gasoline prices, giant car manufacturers had heralded great news about the development of modern cars, which called as “hybrid cars” that would significantly cut oil consumption.

The Japanese car makers Toyota and Honda were the pioneers in this particular endeavor, followed by their United States and German counterparts.

So, what exactly are hybrid vehicles? Literally, the word ‘hybrid,’ means a crossover. When it is apply to the term hybrid vehicles, the word can be define as an integration of two types of cars, the gasoline powered cars and the electric powered cars.

Hybrid vehicles generally refer to those types of automotives or cars that run on the joint power brought about by gasoline and electricity stored in high-capacity electric batteries.

Hybrid vehicles save on fuel because there are certain times when the vehicles rely on the electric power produced by the batteries. Therefore, the consumption of gasoline is significantly lowered, leading to reduced oil or gasoline bills by the owner.

The technology for the manufacture of hybrid cars is continuously and consistently evolving over the years, marking significant changes, modifications and improvements time after time.

Since hybrid vehicles have reduced gasoline consumption, it follows that smoke and greenhouse gas emissions are also significantly reduced. Therefore, the emergence of hybrid vehicles is like hitting two birds in just one stone. You would practically save on gasoline and oil costs and at the same time help save the environment by reducing the rate of green house gas emissions.

About the Author:
Fakhrul Anuar is a Webmaster and publisher of He provides wide information about hybrid cars at
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This article was posted on November 23, 2006
Article Source: articlecity

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