Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Gassing Up When And How

Now how are we all feeling about the prices of fuel today? I personally am not impressed so I sought out a few fuel saving techniques and would like to share them with you. Do you know what kind of gas mileage your vehicle is getting? Calculating this is extremely simple. Start by filling up your tank. Write down the odometer reading or reset your trip gauge to zero. The next time you get gas, fill the tank again. Divide the miles you traveled between fill ups by the amount of gas you bought on the 2nd fill. This is your miles per gallon, or mpg.

First of all when filling up the tank never top it off. Most new vehicles have electronic gauges which work by a piece of metal attached to the float arm that slides across metal contacts this is called a sending unit to indicate how much fuel is in the tank. Topping it off can push this contact beyond its limits and damage the sending unit leading to inaccurate readings of the fuel gauge.

Try to buy your gas from a gas station that is consistently busy and therefore has its underground tanks filled on a regular basis. Gas stations that are slow will have gas that has been sitting in underground tanks for longer periods of time, leading to gas contamination. This contamination can mean that the gas you are purchasing is less powerful than fresh gas and will decrease your fuel economy.

A few tips we have used in saving gas are fairly simple and easy for anyone to use.

1. Never let your car run to a completely empty tank I generally fill up when my gas gage reads around half or no less then a quarter tank.

2. Gassing up in the mornings is typically the best time because the temperature outside is usually much cooler.

3. While driving always maintain a steady acceleration try to refrain from jackrabbit starts. Always keep your speed at moderate levels.

4. Do not use air conditioning or heat unless necessary.

5.Avoid idling the engine when it could be turned off, never leave car idling for more then 10 seconds unless it is an absolute need.

6. Try not to take short trips where the engine does not have the opportunity to fully warm up, and in cold weather always make sure you warm the engine up first.

7. It is very important to always have the right air pressure in your tires.

8. Having your car in the best running condition is always going to guaranty you the best mileage and performance.

There are many very good fuel additives out there and we have searched extensively to find out which ones are the most effective. If you would like more information on the products we have studied contact us.

About the Author:
Brenda Larsen or Ken Flegel
E-mail brendalarsen@sasktel.net Or call 306-545-4535 or 306 545-4535
Article Submitted On: September 16, 2006
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

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