Thursday, November 30, 2006

12 Reasons Why Biodiesel Can Save You Money

1. It only cost around 70 cents a gallon to make. That's right...that's not a typo. The main ingredient is vegetable oil. Not only that, but the oil itself can be made from numerous food crops as well non-food crops. There are literally 100's of oil producing crops that can be used. It costs less than the cost of a cup of coffee to produce. How much are you paying for fuel?

2. Biodiesel is easy to make. It doesn't have to be complicated and you don't need to be a chemical engineer to produce quality biodiesel. It is so easy you can make biodiesel in your kitchen from ordinary household items. If you can make your own barbeque sauce, you can make biodiesel. Since your producing your own fuel, labor, transportation, taxes, that you're paying now will disappear.

3. Biodiesel is better than the diesel fuel you buy at the gas pump. Biodiesel is cleaner than regular diesel. Biodiesel is a de-greaser and solvent, it will actually clean your engine as well. A cleaner engine reduces the wear and tear on your vehicle and extends the life of the car. This saves you money in not only having to buy a new car every 5 years, but interest payments as well.

4. Biodiesel provides excellent engine performance. Your diesel engine will run better, cleaner and last longer on biodiesel. This means less maintenance cost in the long run, saving you even more money.

5. The production and use of biodiesel creates less carbon dioxide emissions compared to regular diesel. Causing less damage to the environment. It cuts down on targeted emissions - which means its better for the environment and better for your health. The savings here are "health-savings" in terms of better health for you, your children, and your world.

6. The material for making biodiesel is renewable and biodegradable. You can make biodiesel from vegetable oil such as palm oil, rapeseed oil, soy Oil, peanut oil, etc. You can even make it from used vegetable oil from restaurants. If you decide to go this route, getting free oil from restaurants, the saving can be enormous.

7. Petroleum oil prices are sky-rocketing. Biodiesel is just now gaining popularity. It is the best time for you to start experimenting with biodiesel and if you know how to make it, then when biodiesel is in demand, you will be in a position to not only save money, but also make money. Energy cost are only going to keep going up.

8. Biodiesel can be used by itself (B100) or blended with regular diesel in any proportions. So, when diesel is too highly priced, like it is now, your biodiesel will be very much in demand. Learning to make biodiesel not only can save you money, but the knowledge itself can make you money.

9. No modification is required on your diesel engine. Biodiesel operates in conventional combustion-ignition engines, from light to heavy-duty just like regular diesel and no engine modifications is needed. This means no special, expensive, gizmos and gadgets. No expensive "hybrid" vehicles. No special dealerships or gas stations...all saving you money.

10. Fossil fuels are depleting. Petroleum products have been used by mankind as a source of energy and it was assumed that they would last forever. Times have changed: with fossil fuel on the decrease and global warming on the increase, it is time to create a sustainable world. Think of this as saving your world.

11. Do you value the feeling of freedom, and independence? Creating your own fuel in your garage, enough for your own needs and friends, is a proactive measure that says "no" to multinational companies and governments that have more control over our lives than they need.

12. Biodiesel doesn't depend on unstable or hostile governments to provide for your energy needs. It is infinitely renewable and made from natural food crops. This in turn, puts money back into the hands of family farmers and the local economy. The savings here is in saving our way of life and communities.

To learn more about biodiesel and all the ways you can benefit from it, visit the web site below.

About the Author:
David Sieg is the author/publisher of the wildly popular web site www.making-biodiesel-at where he freely shares his insight and knowledge.
Submitted: 2006-08-14
Article Source: GO Articles

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Do Your Part For The Environment, Your Health, And Your Wallet

Vehicle owners nationwide have the same complaint; the high price of gasoline. It's as if you're going to work just to pay for the gas to fill up your tank. Everyone knows when the price of oil goes up, the cost of everything else rises. And the price of keeping your engine running smooth always puts you back in the hole financially.

People who dwell in larger cities constantly breathe in poisons released in the air. Research on this pollution problem is well established. Pollutants coming from cars and trucks are responsible for lung disease, lung cancer and asthma. But that's not all. New research has shown that the poisons coming from our cars and trucks are responsible for increases in many types of cancers, heart disease, and even Alzheimer's disease.

An Easy Way to Help Stop Pollution and Save Your Lungs

A good suggestion would be to find a product that reduces toxicity in the air, while extending the life expectancy of your car's engine. Ideally, the product should be effective when used in small amounts and be unique (can be used in gasoline, diesel, RFG, biodiesel, and propane). This product is known as a fuel catalyst, which has been used successfully for over 9 years by thousands of people, as well as city governments, large trucking lines, railroads, farming, and boating companies.

Save Money While Improving Your Mileage

Your product should save you money by reducing fuel consumption and engine maintenance, in addition to the positive environmental effects. If your product can supercharge your gas, you'll spend less but drive further on every tank of gas! Getting up to 35_ncrease in gas mileage would certainly be worth your money and time. Just make sure that your product is affordable, yet able to work in all gas vehicles.

To recap, you should look for a product that (a) doesn't poison our air, (b) keeps our lungs healthy and strong, and (c) stop wasting money on gas and engine repair. Let's keep Planet Earth fresh for our children and grandchildren to enjoy.

Copyright (c) 2005 by David M. Rolle'

About the author:
David M. Rolle' is a Franchise Business Owner and understands the value and importance of a clean and healthy environment. For more information on fuel catalysts for your car and other gas engines, go to Also, you can claim your FREE Special Reports at
Circulated by Article Emporium

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Gassing Up When And How

Now how are we all feeling about the prices of fuel today? I personally am not impressed so I sought out a few fuel saving techniques and would like to share them with you. Do you know what kind of gas mileage your vehicle is getting? Calculating this is extremely simple. Start by filling up your tank. Write down the odometer reading or reset your trip gauge to zero. The next time you get gas, fill the tank again. Divide the miles you traveled between fill ups by the amount of gas you bought on the 2nd fill. This is your miles per gallon, or mpg.

First of all when filling up the tank never top it off. Most new vehicles have electronic gauges which work by a piece of metal attached to the float arm that slides across metal contacts this is called a sending unit to indicate how much fuel is in the tank. Topping it off can push this contact beyond its limits and damage the sending unit leading to inaccurate readings of the fuel gauge.

Try to buy your gas from a gas station that is consistently busy and therefore has its underground tanks filled on a regular basis. Gas stations that are slow will have gas that has been sitting in underground tanks for longer periods of time, leading to gas contamination. This contamination can mean that the gas you are purchasing is less powerful than fresh gas and will decrease your fuel economy.

A few tips we have used in saving gas are fairly simple and easy for anyone to use.

1. Never let your car run to a completely empty tank I generally fill up when my gas gage reads around half or no less then a quarter tank.

2. Gassing up in the mornings is typically the best time because the temperature outside is usually much cooler.

3. While driving always maintain a steady acceleration try to refrain from jackrabbit starts. Always keep your speed at moderate levels.

4. Do not use air conditioning or heat unless necessary.

5.Avoid idling the engine when it could be turned off, never leave car idling for more then 10 seconds unless it is an absolute need.

6. Try not to take short trips where the engine does not have the opportunity to fully warm up, and in cold weather always make sure you warm the engine up first.

7. It is very important to always have the right air pressure in your tires.

8. Having your car in the best running condition is always going to guaranty you the best mileage and performance.

There are many very good fuel additives out there and we have searched extensively to find out which ones are the most effective. If you would like more information on the products we have studied contact us.

About the Author:
Brenda Larsen or Ken Flegel
E-mail Or call 306-545-4535 or 306 545-4535
Article Submitted On: September 16, 2006
Article Source:

Monday, November 27, 2006

How to Save Fuel by Modifying Your Car

In my previous articles, I have discussed many ways to save fuel for your vehicle. Some of these are:

1. Adopting good driving habits like observing speed limits, reducing braking, gradual acceleration, reducing excessive weights, avoiding idling time, using cruise speed control high gears.

2. Maintaining your car in peak condition, having correct timing, clean air filters, spark plugs, correct tire pressures and proper lubrication.

3. Planning your trips, carpooling, avoiding traffic jams, driving smaller vehicles, choosing more efficient cars.

By following some of the items listed above, you should be able to get a very good performance from the fuel you fill up into your tank.

Nowadays, vehicles are built to be very efficient. However, if you have an older car model, you still might be able to improve its efficiency further. You can install or modify the existing system to improve its performance.

There are lots of devices in the open market that can help you improve fuel economy. However, keep in mind that many of these devices are advertising hypes and might even perform very poorly in actual conditions.

Electronic Ignition System

If you have an old vehicle that still runs on a contact breaker system, fitting an electronic ignition system into the vehicle can improve the fuel economy indirectly.

Although not strictly a fuel saving device, an electronic ignition device keeps the vehicle in tune with minimal maintenance. This ensures that the combustion remains efficient longer than with a contact breaker system. The resulting consistent burning of fuel results in better fuel savings.

Fuel Catalysts

Fuel catalysts are chemicals, substances or compound that you can simply drop into the fuel tank or install somewhere between the fuel tank and the engine.

They are supposed to accelerate a chemical reaction, but they remain unchanged during the process.

When a catalyst is installed in the fuel system, it speeds up the combustion process, making it more complete. In this way, all the energy of combustion is released for driving the engine instead of having some of it exhausted.

Installation of the catalyst is a one-off affair. You should be able to recover what you have spent on the catalyst from the fuel savings in a short time. Usually the catalysts can be used for the entire life of the vehicle. They can even be transferred from one vehicle to another.

The most frequently used fuel catalysts are made of compounds of tin and other precious metals. The actual ingredients are a result of research, and are closely guarded secrets of the manufacturers.

Manufacturers claim that adding these catalysts will produce smoother engine operation, cleaner exhaust emissions and achieve fuel savings up to 8%.

Free-flow Air Filters

These filters do not by themselves save fuel. However, they provide better filtration for the air. This can result in better combustion and reduced engine wear.

Tire Inflation

When you fill up the tire with compressed air, the oxygen in the air can permeate through the walls and deteriorate the rubber materials of the tire, corrode the rims and cause the inflation pressure to reduce over time.

As you know, under-inflated tires is one of the factors that can cause poor fuel efficiencies.

By using nitrogen gas to fill up the tires you will have less deterioration of the tires. Tires will last longer, run cooler, and the rims will not be corroded. Your tire threads will last longer and replacement costs go down.

Other Products

There are other fuel and lubricating oil additives that claim to lower engine friction and improve combustion. Some of them are worth trying but some are duds.

When trying them out, do be careful that they do not destroy the catalytic converter or render your new vehicle warranty void.

About the Author:
Thomas Yoon
Subscribe to facworld ezine by sending an email to More information at and
Submitted: 2006-08-22
Article Source: GO Articles

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Why Hybrid Automobiles Require Less Maintenance Than Conventional Cars

Hybrid cars are getting a lot of attention from consumers looking to purchase a new car. One reason is that they use less gas and therefore save you a lot of money at the pumps. However, their popularity is not just based on their fuel saving design, they also require less maintenance than that of their conventional cousins.

It can be frustrating to have to take time off from work to go to the mechanic for maintenance checks and repairs. It is equally frustrating to use up part of your weekends for this as well. Owning a Hybrid helps you to avoid this frustration, thanks to their unique design. There are various features that contribute to these benefits.

One reason is that they have fewer parts than conventional cars. For example, the Hybrid vehicle does not have a starter. A car that has fewer parts requires less maintenance and less maintenance means less expense. Another important factor is that the engine is smaller, between 10 to 20 horsepower and designed to run more efficiently by using only one speed.

The generator runs on a separate, gas powered motor and contributes to the lesser need for maintenance. It also does things that conventional vehicles need additional parts for. The generator handles 80 percent of the braking, which helps to extend the life of the brake system. It does this in several ways, such as preserving brake fluid. Brake fluid can be contaminated by the effects of over heating, so by minimizing the heat exposure, the life of the brake fluid is extended. The lesser heat usage also helps reduce the risk of warped rotors. By the generator taking on more tasks, the battery usage is less and therefore will have to be replaced less often.

Another great feature that the design offers is that the air conditioner runs off of electricity and not gas. The steering system is superior in that it is also electric and does not require a belt the way hydraulic systems do. It also provides a smoother ride on rough road surfaces.

Other maintenance saving features are that the valve system requires no adjustments and the injectors don't have to be cleaned.

Hybrid vehicles offer longer warranties that also include the battery. This definitely adds to their attraction. The Prius, offered by Toyota, offers an eight year or 100,000 mile warranty that includes the hybrid system. The Honda Insight warranty offers 8 years or 80,000 miles and includes the power train.

When considering purchasing a new vehicle, definitely think about owning a hybrid. They require less maintenance than the conventional cars and therefore save you money and time spent at the auto shop. They are much more fuel efficient, and offer attractive warranties.

About the Author:
Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as Car Care Wizards at
Posted: 08-09-2006
Article Source:

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Buying A Used Car - The Wise Way!

I have always purchased my cars used. And each time, I got a great deal. Don't think I counted on luck, though - no siree. There are a few "musts" for making sure you don't end up drinking "lemon"-ade.

Spending a little time now may save you serious money later. Check Consumer Reports on the safest cars out there. Looks are one thing, but don't ignore safety.

Go to a reputable car repair shop and ask if you can bring the vehicle by for a look-over. While you're there, ask what cars they have to repair most often. Take heed. Also, ask what the inspection includes, how long it takes, and the price. Always get this information in writing - just to be safe.

Once the vehicle has been inspected, ask the mechanic for a written report with a cost estimate for all necessary repairs. Be sure the report includes the vehicle’s make, model and VIN. Go over it with a fine-toothed comb and make sure you understand every item. If you decide to make an offer to the dealer after approving the inspection, you can use the estimated repair costs to negotiate the price of the vehicle.

Are you going to purchase from an individual?

Remember, private sellers generally are not covered by the Used Car Rule and don’t have to use the Buyers Guide. However, you can use the Guide’s list of an auto’s major systems as a shopping tool. You also can ask the seller if you can have the vehicle inspected by your mechanic. If he/she says no... beware. No matter how nice the car appears, something fishy is going on.

Now, a private sale likely will be on an "as is" basis, unless your purchase agreement with the seller specifically states otherwise. If you have a written contract, the seller has to live up to the contract. The car also may be covered by a manufacturer’s warranty or a separately purchased service contract. But that doesn't mean that the warranty and service contract are transferable. Plus, other limits or costs may apply. Before you buy the car, ask if it's still under warranty or service contract, and review that baby carefully.

Some states will require vehicle sellers to pass a vehicle inspection before a sale is made. That's not always the case, though. To find out what your state requires, contact your state Attorney General's office or a local consumer protection agency. Hey, it's just a phone call. And it could save you a real headache later!

Whether you end up buying a used car from a dealer, a co-worker, or a neighbor, follow these tips to learn as much as you can about the car:

Examine the car carefully yourself using an inspection checklist. You can find a checklist in many of the magazine articles, books and Internet sites that deal with buying a used car. My favorite book that I've used several times is How to Buy and Maintain a Used Car by Brad Crouch.

Once I bought a used car in August, and never thought to test the rear defroster. Guess what? Come November, I found out it didn't work. If you're shopping in the summer, don't forget to check the heater. And if it's cold as ice outside, still turn that air on full blast and make sure it works!

Test drive the car under varied road conditions—on hills, highways, and in stop-and-go traffic.

Ask for the car’s maintenance record. If the owner doesn’t have copies, contact the dealership or repair shop where most of the work was done. They may share their files with you.

Talk to the previous owner, especially if the present owner is unfamiliar with the car’s history.

Have the car inspected by a mechanic you hire.

There you go. Do your homework, and it's very likely that, like me, you'll find yourself buying used every time!

About the author:
Ryan Larson
This article courtesy of
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Friday, November 24, 2006

Free Cars - Fact or Fiction ?

Free Cars - Fact or Fiction ? Drive a free car !! Get paid to drive your own car !

Are these claims about free cars too good to be true? Can you actually get a free car? Is it really free?

Almost, but not quite. There's enough truth and opportunity to make it worth considering. The companies DO exist, and they DO pay people to drive, and they DO provide free cars. Real people are currently participating in these real programs.

Free cars - so what's the deal ? In short, you agree to drive a car that advertises some company's product or service. Since you do the advertising, you get paid for your services or you get a free car to drive. In some cases, you may get a free car and get paid too.

The advertising company "wraps" your car in an easily-removable paint-safe vinyl film that contains an attractive graphic ad that promotes a client company's product or service. For example, the ad might promote a cell phone service or a new restaurant in town.

Some ads might be "full-car" wraps (looks great on SUVs), partial wraps, or simple window ads. Don't worry, you can see just fine through your "wrapped" windows.

The company offering the product or service pays the advertising company, and the advertising company pays you to drive your own car or provides you a free car with the advertising already applied. The more money the advertising company collects from its clients, the more money you stand to make.

The amount you get paid, or whether you get a free car, depends primarily on three factors:

Number of miles you drive per month Where you drive Where you park Of course, you'll be paid more and have a better chance at a free car if you drive lots of miles and drive in a heavily populated and high traffic area. In some cases, you may be asked to drive a specific route. The more people that have a chance of seeing your car as it's being driven or where it's parked, the greater your opportunity.

If you only drive a few blocks back and forth to school in the suburbs, or drive only to church on Sundays, you probably won't qualify for this kind of program.

It's not too difficult to figure out whether or not you might qualify for one of these free car programs when you consider the objectives of the advertisers. They simply want their ads to be seen by as many people as possible in a specific area.

Free cars - what's the catch ? You have to be at least 18 years old, have a drivers license, and have a good driving record. You pay for insurance and, in some cases, for maintenance, especially if you drive your own car.

New cars aren't always available and you may not be able to drive the make/model of your choice. However, depending on the company, you may have enough choices that you can find something that you like.

You may or may not be able to select the ad that goes on your car or the duration that the ad stays on the car. Of course, if you don't like the ad program, you can turn it down and wait for a better one. Most ads are attractive and well designed so that you wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen with it.

Keep in mind that the "free" car belongs to the advertising company, not you. At the end of the agreement, which could be as much as five years, you give the car back.

Also remember that the ad stays on your car 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can't take it on and off. If this is your only car, you must be prepared to drive the car everywhere you go -- to weddings and funerals, to work, to school, to the mall, and everywhere else that you drive.

Competition for these cars is very heavy, outstripping demand in many cases. It may take up to 90 days to get accepted into a program. Therefore, you have to be well qualified and patient in your attempt to land one of these deals. Free is not always easy.

But, for a car, it might all be worth it.

Free cars - how do I sign up ? There are many advertising companies, in many different locations, that use this form of advertising. Some companies only advertise in a specific city or advertise certain types of products. Some provide new cars, others only pay you to advertise using your own car, and some do both. Some do full-car wraps, others may only do spot ads.

Therefore, the best way to find the companies that would work best for you, where you live and drive, is to "subscribe" to an information directory that lists all such advertisers. These directories are compiled and provided by companies who specialize in this kind of service. There are a relatively small number of these companies, who can be found on the Internet, in newspaper ads, and in auto-related magazines.

There is typically a one-time charge for the directory subscription, usually about $30, and usually with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

Since the directory is always changing and being updated, make sure you get a lifetime "membership" if possible, and that all future updates to the directory are free.

With the list of advertising companies and contact information, it's up to you to apply for their programs. Some directory companies offer help with the application process, although you should not pay extra for this service. And you should not pay extra for a "premium" listing or to be placed at the "top" of the list of applicants.

Be honest and provide accurate information in your application. Most companies will check your credentials. Of course, there are no guarantees that you'll be accepted or that you'll find a deal that you like, but completing an application is a small investment of your time for the chance at a rewarding possibility.

Free cars - where do I get the information I need ? The following companies listed below provide free-car and drive-for-pay program directories. The directories include programs in the U.S. and other countries all over the world.

Subscribing with more than one company might be somewhat beneficial but, generally, it should be expected that one company's directory will be much like another's.

Free Car Index - Top choice for offering the top resources to enable you to obtain a free car or to get paid for driving your own car.Free Car Index offers a extensive database of sponsor companies that pay people to drive cars with advertisements on them -- with immediate online access to the database. The companies in the directory, collectively, have over 100,000 new vehicles wrapped in advertisements that are ready to be driven. The directory applies to residents of the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, and Australia. This company has a 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee.

Free Car Finder - This company offers a well planned database and directory. The program offers thousands of Free Car/Paid to drive opportunities through their efforts with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. Customer service is outstanding and very quick to respond.100% money-back satisfaction guarantee.

The Free Car - This site offers a great "Car Finder" that allows you to see if there are advertisers in your area before you buy the service. There is an online application process to shorten the procedure. They also have a money-back guarantee and a nice free bonus product.


About the Author:
Drive a free car !! Free Cars - Fact or Fiction ?
Submitted: 2006-08-10
Article Source: GO Articles

Thursday, November 23, 2006

5 Ways To Save Money On Your Car’s Gasoline

With gasoline prices steadily on the rise, many commuters are finding it more and more difficult to justify spending their hard earned money on the high cost of fuel rather than other necessities, including food and electricity. With that in mind, there are five simple steps that you can take to help stretch your dollar a little bit farther when it comes to your car’s fuel consumption.

Carpool. If you have children who are in school, consider sharing the driving responsibility with other mothers that live nearby. This is especially helpful if you can alternate days. Perhaps you would drive the children on Monday and Wednesday, while the other women fill in on the rest of the weekdays. This will save you money on gasoline and will also make the children’s ride to school a lot of fun because they will be riding with friends. The same is true of commuters on their way to work, who can share in the responsibility and costs of driving amongst one another.

Buy a smaller car. If you own an SUV or other large vehicle, your gas mileage per gallon will be less than if you were to own a smaller car. As a general rule, larger vehicles just normally use more gasoline. If you want to save money on the cost of fuel, buying a smaller car is a good start.

Purchase a hybrid car. These cars are fairly new on the market and are still quite expensive, but many find the benefits outweigh the high cost when they figure in their savings on fuel. Hybrid cars usually get better gas mileage per gallon and this results in big savings for the owner.

Turn off the ignition. If you are stuck in traffic that is moving about an inch per minute, then just put the car in park and turn the ignition off. While sitting in traffic, you are just using more and more gasoline and aren’t really getting anywhere. Rather than waste, try to save money by not leaving your car running in parking lots or your driveway. If you need to stop by the store and will just be gone for a minute, take the time to turn the ignition off. In addition to saving on gasoline, you will be ensuring that your car isn’t stolen by turning off the ignition and taking your keys inside the store with you. Many people would be surprised to know how many shoppers actually leave their car running while in the store.

Walk. If you live near a store, walk instead of driving. This will save not only in the price of your car’s gasoline, but also in the general everyday wear and tear that your car receives by being out on the road. No to mention, walking is good exercise and is generally safe for most people. So why not walk off some of those pesky winter pounds and save some money on gasoline in the process.

The aforementioned ways are five of the most popular to help you save some extra money where fuel is concerned. Some of the more obvious ways are to stock up when gasoline is decreasing in price. If you get $10 or $15 worth of gasoline every few days, you may get a good price one day and a terrible cost per gallon during the next trip. However, if you fill up your car’s gasoline tank while prices are still low, you will be sure to get the best deal possible. Not only that, but you may also end up saving some time at the gas pump when all of the other consumers are waiting in line to fill up before the prices go even higher.

About the Author:
Aurel Radulescu
Find more about KellyBlueBook used cars value and how to get a free CarFax report on Used Car Space
Article Source:

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What Do I Use To Detail, Wax, Or Polish My Vehicle?

When applying a protective coating to your vehicle, the first thing to do is determine exactly what you are trying to achieve. For example a polish is usually a more thorough application than a wax and shine product. A polish or a wax in liquid or paste form is usually applied on a quarterly or semiannual basis, and this can vary with how and where a vehicle is used. A wax and shine product generally in spray form is typically used between polish/wax jobs to keep a vehicle looking good. For example, many automobile enthusiasts will use a spray wax and shine product before and during car shows. Depending on the product, wax and shine products are generally not as durable as a proper polish/wax application. It should be noted; however, that there are some very durable wax and shine products. Typically, polish/wax products require more time and “elbow grease” to apply than the wax and shine products.

The application process for most polish/wax products is to clean the surface of the vehicle, apply the polish/wax with a damp soft cloth, wait for the polish/wax to dry to a haze, and then buff the wax off with a soft dry cloth. There can be variations to the application processes, and it is best to follow manufacturers’ directions for each product.

The typical application process for most wax and shine products is to spray the wax and shine product onto the vehicle surface, rub the product into the finish with a soft dry cloth, and buff the surface with a second soft dry cloth.

Choosing the right product for your particular vehicle is very important. Some products cannot be used on some surfaces. It is best to thoroughly understand the product specifications. This can be done by reading the label on the container in a store, or by looking up the specification information when ordering on line. Some products cannot be applied in direct sunlight. Some products are abrasive and contain solvents that can damage a surface. Some products can remove dirt and oxidation as a one-step process. A good consumer will understand exactly what a wax or polish will claim to do prior to purchasing it.

The saying goes: “The proof is in the pudding”, so once you make an informed wax or polish purchase, it is best to try the product in an inconspicuous area of your vehicle. Once you know that you have chosen the correct product for your vehicle, stick with it. A little wax and polish research, can get you on your way to a “Show Room” shine.

About the author:
Jim Stapert is a classic car enthusiast, who enjoys learning by doing. He is an author, a project manager, and a chemical representative. Obtain more information about waxes, polishes and wax and shine products at:
Article Submitted On: September 17, 2006
Article Source:

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Simple, Fast and Affordable Ways to Enhance Your Chevy Available at Your Friendliest Auto Parts Dealer

Since man developed fondness for automobiles, the auto industry just grew bigger and more diversified. Almost every stage in the history of cars is marked by an invention, an introduction of a new design or car concept and a whole lot of new ideas aimed at improving car's performance, style and safety features. Likewise, replacement auto parts market has thrived due to the growing demands of auto users. Hence, today, more choices of high quality auto parts and even accessories are available for your car repair, car maintenance and customization.

Auto Parts Discount is one of your top auto parts dealers that bring to you a wide selection of replacement parts from BMW parts to Ford parts, Jeep parts, and GMC parts . If you have an old car, whether it's an old Chevrolet Impala or an old Ford Mustang, this store can help you make your car livelier and more fun to drive. Accessories ranging from floor mats to different kinds of specially designed auto lights, mirrors, carpets and spoilers can be easily purchased in its convenient, safe and complete online store. These are all sourced from top car part manufacturers and are designed to match your car's specifications.

It's easy to upgrade your old Chevy and modify its looks at Auto Parts Discount. You can start it by replacing your car's carpet or floor mat. Even if your Chevrolet carpet or your Chevrolet floor mats aren't that old yet, they need to be replaced periodically since dirt and grime often get stuck in them. Especially if the stitching of your old Chevrolet carpet has already been badly frayed, you need to replace it now or else be very uncomfortable. It always feels good to have something neat, smooth and comfortable to step on as you ride inside the car, so make sure you replace your Chevrolet carpet with a good quality carpets.

Other Chevrolet parts offered here in this one-stop auto parts dealer online are Chevrolet lights like headlights, taillights and corner lights, Chevroletmirrors and Chevrolet spoilers. Aside from their known functionality, these auto parts help in improving your car's styling. Auto lights for example make your car extra attractive as they provide bright illumination at night while spoilers make your car look like real sports cars.

Making your old car more exciting to drive need not be financially burdensome. All you need is some imagination. Auto parts like the auto bumpers , carpets, lights, car wheels , mirrors, spoilers and catalytic converters can bring more life to your everyday driving. These are very affordable accessories that you can easily purchase online. Visit Auto Parts Discount and enjoy their wide variety of parts including accessories for Chevrolet—all at very friendly deals you'll surely love.

About the author:
Joe Thompson is the owner of a successful auto body shop in Ferndale, California. This 48 year old is also a prolific writer, contributing automotive related articles to various publications.
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Monday, November 20, 2006

Car Maintenance Information You Should Follow

When you buy a vehicle you receive certain instructions regarding maintenance that are recommended by the manufacturer. However, with your busy schedule and the increased cost of car maintenance you frequently put off tire and oil changes, checking under the hood, and other similar regular maintenance necessities. Unfortunately, if you put off car maintenance due to schedule and budget you are risking a bigger inconvenience to your schedule and budget by having your car breakdown. Consider the following maintenance tips to help you keep your car in tip top condition.

Oil Change

Your car needs an oil change every 3,000 to 10,000 miles depending on the way you drive, the age, and condition of your vehicle’s engine, highway driving versus in town driving, and a variety of other factors. Because this is a very wide range in which to change your oil you should probably change your oil every 5,000 miles if you drive like the majority of individuals. Of course, a small percentage of individuals fit into the high and low ranges of the above numbers, but every 5,000 miles is a good round number for an oil change. By following this tip you will spend about 20 minutes and less than $25 and keep your car running for a very long time.

Tires and Tire Pressure

You should check your tires on a regular basis, especially the tire pressure. Each size tire has a recommended tire pressure and maintaining that particular pressure in the tire will prolong the life of the tire as well as provide ease of driving, not to mention increase your safety. When the proper tire pressure is maintained in your vehicle then braking, cornering, and braking are superior which means your safety is increased. Vehicles are not as stable when the tire pressure is out of whack. You should check your tire pressure at least once per month. This is really easy and free as long s you invest in a small tire pressure gauge which is very inexpensive. When you stop for gas and the tank is filling up, simply check all of your tires to ensure the proper air pressure.


You know your brakes are one of the most important aspects of your car. They slow you down and basically allow you to avoid accidents on a daily basis. Because of this you need to be extra alert to your brakes. Also, if you can tell it is time to change the breaks because they are squealing or not slowing your car as quickly as necessary then don’t put it off. Instead, take your lunch break, or whatever time you have and have your breaks changed immediately. Additionally, each time your car has the oil changed have a full inspection including your breaks to make sure the breaks are working properly. If not, you may have them changed the same day.

There are lots of different aspects of your car that need regular maintenance and upkeep. Just make sure you are alert to this fact and always follow the manufacturers suggestions when it comes to your vehicle and your vehicle will last longer and your safety will be increased.

About the Author:
James Dornon
Read independent car dealer reviews written by car buyers for car buyers at Car Dealer Check. "Researching the car is not enough anymore we need a way to research the dealers themselves - Here you can"
Posted: 16-07-2006
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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Gasoline Saving Devices Don't Work, So Save Your Money

Owning and operating a motor vehicle is an expensive process. Besides coming up with the money to actually buy the car or truck, owners need to pay for maintenance, auto insurance and most of all, gasoline. With the price of gasoline reaching ever-higher levels, more and more motorists are trying to find ways to save money. And every time the price rises, the media are suddenly flooded with advertisements for a wide variety of devices that purport to perform miracles with the internal combustion engine while providing owners with huge increases in gas mileage.

Almost everyone has heard the ages old story of the guy who invented a carburetor that would allow a car to travel up to 200 miles on a gallon of gas. The device never reached the market, the story goes, because General Motors or Big Oil or some other Corporate Entity bought the rights to the device to prevent it from reaching the market. The story isn't true; there is no such device and never really was one. It is true that in the 1930's an inventor did patent a carburetor that claimed to do such things, but the devices was never manufactured and working prototypes were never demonstrated. The patent has expired, but no one is pursuing this device. It doesn't work.

Just like that mythical carburetor are hundreds of other devices that are put on the market each year in order to entice economically-minded drivers to save on gas. The devices vary; some are electronic, some are magnetic and some add some sort of "slickness" compound to fuel or oil. Some atomize the fuel to make it burn more efficiently. Still others involve moving parts to stir the fuel or spray mists of water into the intake manifold to cool the engine temperature.

All of these devices have two things in common - they promise to save you a fortune in gasoline costs, and they don't work.

The internal combustion engine is well over a hundred years old. It is proven, it is understood and it is a relatively mature product. Engineers are certainly finding ways to refine the ways the engine works and each year new ways are found to improve the product in some way. Small increases in performance or economy are commonplace. Dramatic increases in economy, such as those that might yield a threefold increase in gas mileage, are simply not possible.

It might be tempting to respond to the late-night television commercial or magazine ad in order to increase your car's mileage by ordering a device that "Detroit doesn't want you to have." If you order them, you are just throwing your money away. The best money saving tip you will receive regarding gas-saving devices is this one - they don't work. Save your money.

About the Author:
©Copyright 2006 by Retro Marketing. Charles Essmeier is the owner of Retro Marketing, a firm devoted to informational Websites, including, a site devoted to information regarding lemon laws for automobiles and, a site about car insurance.
Submitted: 2006-08-09
Article Source: GO Articles

Friday, November 17, 2006

The 3m Clear Bra - A Car-Lover's Dream Come True

The 3m clear bra is a wonderful invention for any car-lover who treats his prized possession like a true friend. A mans best friend is not always the family dog. Sometimes a car can take the place of a great pet and nothing hurts more than seeing that first scratch or dent on your favorite automobile. However, traditional protective bras are not the most attractive option for car owners who want to protect their investments.

The trouble with the traditional protective covering is simply due to the fact that it literally covers the magnificent machine. No real car lover wants to hide his prized automobile under an ugly rubbery surface. It doesn't make sense to spend a lot of money on the perfect finish only to cover it up with a protective layer. Unfortunately, many car owners had no other choice, either carelessly letting the car suffer with chips and scrapes or grumpily hiding the beautiful finish.

Not anymore. A car enthusiast can opt for a 3m clear bra that protects the car by creating a colorless barrier between the cars finish and the elements. The 3m clear bra is simply a protective film that is literally painted over the cars exterior. This product is commonly used on trucks, cars and vans of vehicle owners who cringe at the thought of a pebble getting near their priceless object.

The 3m clear bra is also used to protect headlights as well. The protective layer is commonly applied to the front of the vehicle and on the lenses of the headlights. The beauty of this material is that it is virtually undetectable. The original design of the vehicle is not changed in any way. The owner has the peace of mind that comes with knowing that the car is protected while having the luxury of enjoying his vehicle in its original state.

Some may wonder if the product is really as effective as the traditional protective cover. The 3m clear bra will protect the vehicle from chipping. The material was originally designed to be used on aircraft propellers to protect them from chipping. Surely the material will be effective at preventing chipping on vehicles as well.

Another concern is the clarity degree of the 3m clear bra. How clear is it, really? The manufacturer of the product boasts that the material is virtually undetectable unless the vehicle is very white in color. The clear coat is slightly visible on a stark white car when very closely examined but it is not detectable from a normal distance. You will see a faint line where the 3m clear bra stops but that is definitely better than an ugly bug shield or paint chips.

About the Author:
Nick P. Bentley provides readers with the latest reviews, articles, commentaries and write-ups on all car and auto related issues.
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Biodiesel - What Are The Benefits of This Alternative Fuel Source?

With the price of gas soaring and our country's dependency on foreign fuel, are you looking for an alternative fuel source? Biodiesel may be just that fuel source you are looking for. What is biodiesel you may be asking? Biodiesel is an alternative fuel source made from vegetable oil. You can use this fuel in any vehicle that uses regular petroleum diesel fuel. There are places in some states that you can buy biodiesel fuel, but you can also make it yourself with a biodiesel kit.

This alternative fuel source has many benefits compared to petroleum. One benefit is the price. Biodiesel fuel can be produced for much less than its petroleum counterpart. If you are making it yourself, you will need to purchase a biodiesel kit. These can be gotten for a couple thousand dollars, you may be thinking "Wow, that's a lot of money." But if you think about it, once the savings over gas prices add up to the cost of the kit, all savings after that go straight to your wallet. This will definitely put a little breathing room into your budget. If you are not making biodiesel yourself, and are lucky enough to live in an area where there is a biodiesel station, your savings will add up a lot faster.

Another very important benefit of this fuel alternative is it is very environmentally friendly. It is completely biodegradable. Emissions are almost nonexistent. Biodiesel fuel burns clean and is nontoxic. This means not only does it help the planet but it is not harmful to humans as well. Since biodiesel also does not contain sulfur, its emissions do not contribute to acid rain. Using biodiesel fuel also reduces the cancer causing particulates from being released into the air.

One benefit closely related to the environmental issue is the fact that biodiesel is a renewable resource. This means it can be made over and over. It does not have to be pumped out of the ground. You need some more biodiesel fuel? Just plant another crop and you can make some more. This has a hidden advantage of allowing farmers to make their farms profitable again. This in turn helps the economy as well as the environment.

One other benefit of using biodiesel as an alternative fuel source is safety. The point at which biodiesel will catch fire is much higher than petroleum based fuel. This makes biodiesel much safer to transport and store. It also means if a vehicle that is using biodiesel is involved in an accident it is much less likely to explode. The safety issues alone make this a very attractive alternative fuel.

Biodiesel fuel has a lot of benefits as an alternative fuel source. So, are there any disadvantages to using biodiesel? The only one is if you have a vehicle made before about 1994, you will need to keep a close eye on the hoses of the fuel system. Biodiesel fuel can soften the rubber used to make the hoses. After 1994, most vehicles were made with synthetic hoses and this is not an issue. Another issue you should be aware of is the first few times you use biodiesel you may get a clogged up fuel system. This is because biodiesel fuel will clean out all the old gunk in your fuel system. It will pull all the residue left on the walls of your gas tank off, which in turn may clog up some of the lines. If you are aware of this and watching out for it you should not have any problems.

As an alternative fuel source, biodiesel is top notch. It is a renewable source, since it is made from vegetable oil all you do is grow another crop. This in turn allows farmers to make their farms profitable again (another hidden benefit). It is less expensive to produce, good for your wallet. It is environmentally friendly, not causing a lot of the problems as petroleum based fuel. It is also human friendly, less cancer causing issues, as well as breathing issues. It is also safer to transport and store. It also lessens our country's dependency on foreign oil, this would most certainly help our economy.

About the Author:
Rae Bennett is the owner and author of Want Info About, offering information on a variety of subjects. For more information and resources about this subject visit Biodiesel.
This article may be reprinted in full as long as no changes are made to it and the resource box and live links are left intact. All rights reserved.
Article Submitted On: September 14, 2006
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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Some Useful Tips for Improving your Dodge's Fuel Economy

As global oil prices continue to rise meteorically to record levels, we have to find ways to improve our cars' fuel economy and save money. Especially now that drivers are doing a lot more traveling than ever, the importance of fuel economy cannot be over emphasized. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that vehicle miles traveled by the average American has increased by over 115%. This increase in miles traveled and the present dilemma of rising fuel prices means that we are spending more on our fuel than ever before. Thus, we have to find ways to save money on gas and improve fuel efficiency, especially if our vehicles are not really known for their excellent gas mileage.

There are many ways you can significantly improve the fuel economy of your vehicle. Managing your vehicle by minimizing operating costs on gas as well as minimizing emissions is our goal. Here are some helpful tips you can use to help you achieve a fuel-efficient and environmentally conscious vehicle. Start by determining your car's actual gas mileage or your car's miles per gallon. If your car has poor gas mileage then it is more important than ever to start improving your fuel economy. You can do this by changing your driving habits. Take your time and drive slower, instead of 60mph, try driving at 70mph. Although it may take you longer to reach your destination, what is important is you can save up to $5 in gas costs because of the reduction in speed. This is because aerodynamic drag increases as you drive faster and gas mileage deteriorates at speeds of over 60mph.

Regular maintenance is a very effective way to improve and keep up your car's fuel economy. The simple reason is that a poorly maintained car works harder; and a car that has to work harder will definitely use up more fuel. Thus, maintenance issues such as under inflated tires, dirty and clogged air filters, spark plugs and fuel injectors must be resolved. Make sure that your tires are inflated to their proper pressures. Tires that are in good condition and properly inflated provide less road resistance thus improving fuel. You should also check tire pressure regularly and look out for signs of uneven wear or gas leaks that could compromise your tire's performance.

Another excellent way to cut your fuel costs is by planning your vehicle use in such a way that you can combine, streamline and consolidate your trips and reduce unnecessary travel. You should also avoid excess idling, which is a waste of fuel. Stop your engine if you think your car will be idle for more than 30 seconds. You can also minimize air conditioning and use your car's flow-through ventilation. You should also check which gas you use, stick with the right octane gas indicated in your car's manual.

Have your Dodge regularly checked by your trusted auto mechanic. Give more attention to those auto parts that are connected to the fuel consumption of your car such as Dodge fuel tanks, Dodge catalytic converters, Dodge gas tanks, Dodge radiators and others. If your Dodge's parts are either defective or is not functioning properly then it is necessary and wise to replace these auto parts as soon as possible. You can save more money in the end by replacing dysfunctional parts and ensuring that everything in your car is in tiptop shape.

However, make sure that you purchase the best Dodge Parts only from a trusted and reliable auto parts store. Pick an auto parts supplier with an excellent reputation in the auto parts industry. Inner Auto Parts is one of the many auto parts wholesalers today, but stands out from the rest because it is a reliable source of useful and relevant automotive information and a known expert in the field of auto parts. They now have an excellent auto parts store that offers top quality Dodge Parts including Dodge A/C Condensers, Dodge Lights, Dodge Weatherstripping, Dodge wheels and other major product categories. With excellent quality, replacement Dodge auto parts from Inner Auto Parts, you can be sure that your car is maintained in excellent condition thereby improving its fuel economy and helping you save money on gas.

About the author:
Terry Brown is a 32 year old from Houston Texas, and an enthusiast for anything auto related. He is currently employed as a market analyst by one of the top car parts company in the area. His automotive articles provide valuable source of information for auto enthusiasts like him as well as to those in need of automotive research.
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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Installing Custom Sheepkin Seat Covers

Installing your new seat covers can be a pain at time. But by following these simple instructions you will find the installation will go a lot smoother.

First off, if your car has removeable headrests you will need to take those off first. Most of the time there will be a release button at the top of your seat.

Now once you have the headrests off, if there were any, it's time to start putting on the seat covers. Just follow these easy 7 steps.

1. Begin at the top of the seat, slowly pulling the seat cover down over the shoulder of the seat. Take a moment to make sure that the seat cover is centered on the seat.

2. Take the centre straps and push them through the space in between the backrest and the seat cushion. You will need to reach around and pull them all the way through from the other side. This process can be done easily by kneeling on the seat cushion to create a larger space, or tilting the seat back.

3. From the back of the seat, grab the center straps and hook them to the underside of the seat. The hooks can be fastened to the springs or any metal edges down there. Note: Do not hook the straps to the sliding track of the seat or any electrical wiring there may be.

Be careful to keep your head clear when attaching the straps, if they slip out they can shoot back and cause injury.

For 2 door cars, be sure to leave enough slack for the seat to move forward, allowing people to get into the back seat. If the straps are too taught, they may break when the seat in tilted forward.

4. Now take the side straps and push them through centre at each side of the seat. Pull the straps down and back and hook them to the underside of the seat, again being careful not to put the straps in the way of the sliding track.

5. Pull seatcover forward and smooth out over seat cushions and sides. Pull straps at front and hook to underside of the seat.

6. Sit down in your seat and check to make sure that the cover is fitted properly to the seat and not off centre.

If your car has adjustable headrests, you may now need to get a sharp knife and make a small cut to allow you to re-insert your headrests. This can be done from sitting in the back of the seat. Line up the knife with the headrest holes in the seat and then move the sheepskin away from the seat (by lifting up) when cutting holes. Make sure you cut through the sheepskin and lining.

You're done, now go for a drive and enjoy.

About the Author:
Scott Carmichael
Just a web professional sharing my opinion and knowledge in a few areas of interest.
Published: 02/27/2006
Article Source: Point Articles

Monday, November 13, 2006

Vehicular Diuretic

– To Use or Not to Use
By Dee Scrip © All rights reserved

Diuretics, commonly known as "water pills," are designed to help eliminate water. In engines, water and fuel are inbred kissing cousins, that when left unsupervised, produce carbon baby abnormalities, e.g., power and performance demise, decreased mileage, increased toxic emissions, increased maintenance applications, and engine fatality.

Who should use an engine diuretic?

Machinery or vehicles dependent upon fuel to function, should snack on a nutritious engine diuretic.

Is water present in gasoline?

Yes. Like all fuels, gasoline has a fatal attraction to water. Sulfur resides in fuel, and when wedded with water, births sulfuric acid.

Sulfuric acid assaults engines. When not burned off during combustion, its carnage of carbon deposits is left strewn throughout the engine. Carbon babies cling to spark plugs, valves, oil, etc., and impair an engine’s ability to perform. Too many carbon baby deposits, the engine undertaker is knocking on the door.

Is water present in diesel fuel?

Yes. Being less refined than gasoline, diesel fuel will retain larger quantities of water. Water in diesel fuel is a breeding ground for microorganisms, or bacteria, which feed on hydrocarbons in fuel. These microorganisms produce baby spores, which grow up, become active and begin producing their own cohesive families. These families of microorganisms foster slime, which clogs filters.

The onslaught of carbon babies moves at a swifter pace in diesel powered engines, putting them at greater risk for impotency and early retirement.

At what age can an engine diuretic be used?

There are no age barriers. An engine diuretic can be used from newborn to elderly, with the exception of veteran engines (dating 1919 or earlier).

What size engines can use a diuretic?

All sizes from small, e.g., weed-wackers, lawnmowers, motorcycles, etc., to large, e.g., automobiles, boats, ships, farm and construction machinery, or 18 wheeler trucks.

Should you be concerned about fuel interaction with an engine diuretic?

Yes. Alcohol or dry gas additives reduce the lubrication ability of fuel, which can result in fuel system damage or entire engine failure. An engine diuretic with a lubricating constitution is paramount.

What does the Fuel Doctor have to say about a diuretic for engines?

Water, sulfuric acid, and carbon deposits lethally effect engines.

Gasoline, diesel, agricultural diesel, marine fuels, and bio-diesel fuels all contain water and sulfur, which begets unhealthy sulfuric acid. When not burned off during combustion, spawned carbon deposits set up squatter’s rights in engines.

Therefore, all engines need a diuretic, regardless of age or size. However, caution should be taken in choosing an engine diuretic, as some target limited areas and many rob lubrication ability of fuel.

The Fuel Doctor’s Advice and Prescription:

It is easy to minimize diaper changes on engines resulting from maintenance, toxic emissions, and fuel.

A simple pill, the size of a penny, popped into the tank at every fill up will combat water, prevent sulfuric acid damage and carbon deposit carnage, yet lubricate the entire engine.

Side effects:

· Increased engine performance and power
· Increased engine longevity
· Increased mileage
· Eradicated carbon deposits – present and future
· Decreased maintenance costs
· Decreased toxic exhaust emissions
· Decreased octane / cetane requirements

Recommended manufacturer of the ultimate engine diuretic -- UBiee Power Pill Fe3.

**Attn Ezine editors / Site owners **
Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your site so long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include the resource box as listed above.

About the author:
Dee Scrip is a well known and respected published expert author of numerous articles on PowerPill Fe-3, Home Business, Business Opportunities, Fundraising, VoIP, VoIP Security, and other related VoIP issues.
Engine Diuretic
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Taking Good Care Of One's Sports Car

Sports cars which range in price from $15,000 to $100,000 or higher and are cars that people do not buy every day. Since these vehicles can be purchased locally or imported, and cost a lot of money, you should take care to insure that you will enjoy this piece of machinery for a long time.

* Before taking the sports car for a drive, it is always best to check the brakes, the oil and the tires. If any of these are inadequate, you should correct the problem to prevent an accident that might occur before you arrive at your destination.

* There are two things that make a sports car run. One is gas and the other is electricity from the battery. By checking the battery either at home or at a station while fueling up, you can be sure that the car won't suddenly die when you are driving down the road.

* To keep the paint of the car free from damage caused by weather conditions, it is best to keep the vehicle inside a garage when it is not in use. If you do not have any choice, but to park the vehicle outdoors, it is best to park in a covered area away from trees that may cause scratches should branches fall on the car.

* Some of the smallest things that are wrong with the vehicle must be addressed immediately to prevent the situation from getting worse. If the driver hears a sound or noise that was not there before, it is best to take the car to a repair shop just to check and make sure there is not anything wrong.

* Another thing you must do when driving the vehicle is check the gauges on the dashboard regularly. Should one of these sensors suddenly light up, you should stop the vehicle and try to determine the problem. If are not sure, call a mechanic or go there and have the problem fixed.

* Simple things in the car need to be replaced every few thousand miles; such as the oil, the filters and the tires etc. This will keep the car in tip top condition if you decide to go on trip or in case of an emergency.

It doesn't take that much time or effort to make sure that the car is in good condition. All it takes is proper maintenance and listening to the engine when the car is started and when on the road. Most dealers have a routine maintenance check every 3,000 - 5,000 miles so you should avail yourself of it to make sure that you are safe when on the road.

About the Author:
Mohamed Rabea
Submitted: 2006-08-05
Article Source: GO Articles