Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Improve Gas Mileage Without Damaging Your Car

Many of the gas saving devices being advertised do not work and can actually damage your vehicle.

After evaluating and testing more than 100 alleged gas-saving devices, the Environmental Protection Agency hasfound only a few that improve mileage and none that do sosignificantly.

The gas-saving products on the market seem to fall intoclearly defined categories. These include, but are notlimited to: air-bleed devices, vapor-bleed devices, liquidinjection devices, ignition devices, fuel line devices,mixture enhancers, internal engine modification devices,fuels and fuel additives, oils and oil additives, anddriving habit modifiers.

The EPA evaluates or tests products to determine whethertheir use will result in any measurable improvement to fueleconomy. However, the EPA cannot say what effect gas-savingproducts will have on a vehicle over a long period of time.It is possible that some products may harm the car oradversely affect its performance.

For example, if an "air bleed" device actually addssignificant amounts of air to the air-and-fuel mixture, itmay cause an engine to misfire, a condition which greatlyincreases the potential engine damage or mechanical failure.This is especially likely to happen on cars manufacturedbetween 1974 and 1982, because their carburetors are pre-setfor a maximum amount of air to be burned with the fuel."Air-bleed" devices will not work at all on many carsmanufactured after 1982, because these cars have "feedback"carburetors that automatically adjust the air-and-fuelmixture rendering the device useless.

Many ads feature glowing testimonials by satisfiedcustomers. There are too many variables that affect fuelconsumption, such as traffic, road and weather conditions,the car's condition and overall maintenance, and the drivinghabits of the owner.

In one case a consumer sent a letter to a company praisingits gas-saving product. But what was not mentioned in theadvertisement was the fact that the consumers vehicle alsohad an engine tune-up at the time the device was installed.

Some advertisers claim that the gas-saving device isapproved by the Federal government. No government agencyendorses gas-saving products for cars. The seller can onlystate that the item has been tested by the EPA. If theadvertiser claims that the product has been tested by theEPA ask to see the results or contact the EPA directly.

If you have already purchased a gas-saving product and youare not satisfied, contact the manufacturer and ask for arefund. An honest company offers a money-back guarantee.If you are not satisfied with the company's response,contact your local or state consumer protection agency orthe Better Business Bureau.

Keeping your car in tip top condition is the best way to getthe best gas mileage your vehicle has to offer. Everyvehicle come with an owners manual. Read and follow whatthe manufacturer recommends.

Three simple steps that will help improve gas mileage in allvehicles:

Getting a tune-up.
Checking tire pressure.
Removing any excess weight from the car's trunk.

For over 20 more tips and one secret hint go to http://www.apluswriting.net/gasmiles/gasmiles.htm

About the Author:
Marilyn Pokorney Freelance writer of science, nature, animals and the environment. Also loves crafts, gardening, and reading. Website: http://www.apluswriting.net
Article Source: www.iSnare.com

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