Monday, August 14, 2006

The Role Catalytic Converters Play In Automotive Emissions: A Serious Concern

Catalytic converters have undergone a number of changes since the 1970s. New models were introduced to replace of the power-sapping pellet catalysts of earlier times. Contemporary honeycombs used in todays catalytic converters enable easy flow of exhaust through the exhaust system of the car. At the same time, they help clean the unsafe toxin gases produced in the engine of the car. Nevertheless, the natural life of the catalytic converter is restricted yet it is one of the most important parts of a car and a compulsory one at that.

Why do we need catalytic converters?

While an engine burns fuel, it produces harmful gases that damage the environment. These gases are hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen. Catalytic converters are installed between the exhaust line and the muffler to prevent the irreversible damage to the earth's environment. A catalytic converter uses chemicals that act as a catalyst to convert the poisonous gases to harmless inert gases. A catalyst is a chemical that causes and speeds up a reaction between two chemicals without changing its own chemical properties.

The catalytic converter like any other converter has to be replaced with a new one when it out lives the vehicle it's installed on and ceases to function. Vehicles with worn converters are mostly replaced with converters from other manufacturers when they are worn away with use. Most people choose these converters as a replacement since they are very economical.

Where is the catalytic converter located?

The harmful exhaust gases enter the catalytic converter from the engine side into a sort of stainless steel container. The inside of the container has a honeycomb mesh, which is lined with catalysts such as aluminum oxide, platinum, and palladium. These catalysts change the carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons to water vapor and carbon dioxide. Some converters have a third lining of chemicals such as platinum and rhodium to reduce nitrogen oxides. Catalytic converters are also known as three-way or dual bed converters.

Do not use leaded fuel with a converter

Whether it is an OEM or any other catalytic converter, it is suggested to use unleaded fuel with it since the lead oxide produced in the fuel renders ineffective the lining of the catalyst chemicals. The only reason for using lead in the fuel is for lubrication. These days the law has made it compulsory to have Catalytic converters. Manufacturers have researched and designed special engine parts in order to withstand chemicals and the corrosive temperatures in the parts of the engine.


The best part about installing catalytic converters in vehicles is that emission of pollutants is reduced by about 96 percent from pre-control vehicles.

About the Author:

The above catalytic converter information has been submitted by Chad McDonald to assist those looking for various oem catalytic converter help.

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