Sunday, July 29, 2007

Automobile electric fans

Choosing Electric fans for your car and other vehicles can be a difficult task today! There are about thousands of products to choose from and one can find different types of radiator cooling fans on the web so much, so that it is difficult to select the best one of the lot. In view of this situation, one must be looking forward to get the best quality electric cooling fan for his car and therefore it would be advisable on your end to select a cooling fan that best suits the requirements of your car. Never purchase an electric cooling fan just because it is cheaper than others in the market. You can harm your vehicle's engine in that way and reduce the life of the engine components. Always remember quality is what matters in the end.

These indigenously made electric cooling fans are perfect control systems that provide the bets possible protection for a vehicle or even a system which uses these electric cooling fans. All such kinds of systems use a 30 amp fuse, and in some cases even a temperature sensor, relay and wiring harness are also used up. These parts are used up in automatic vehicles, solar driven cars etc. Relays are required to carry the high amperage needed by electric fans thereby eliminating the load on the car's ignition switch. Temperature sensors are not included with the PRC-35 system which operates whenever the key is on or with a manual switch. Both controls can be used with or without A/C request. Sensors have a 3/8 in. pipe thread.

The electric fans are designed in such a way so as to cool down the environment of the radiator and save the life of your vehicle. You can choose a variety of electric fans from the internet but you must be aware of the specifications that are needed by the vehicle before you get to buy one. The fan is designed in such a way that it automatically turns on when the temperature of the engine goes above a set point. Similarly it stops when the temperature goes back to normal.

About the Author:
Darren Dunners is an article writer currently writng for Find more information about the subject at
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Detoxing Engines Can Save Lives and Money at the Fuel Pump

Does the word “pollution” evoke a passive response from you? I am embarrassed to say that before this article, “pollution” was an impotent word further weakened by its necessity – we depend on engines of all shapes and sizes to function in modern society. After completion of research, “pollution” now elicits a bittersweet awareness, as it legions an invigorated ominous significance. Every day of our lives, we obliviously inhale poisonous substances into our lungs – poisonous entities with devastating long term and/or immediate life-threatening affects. The process of burning gasoline or diesel in our engines produces: Toxic gases known as carbon monoxide Poisonous nitrogen oxides, a main source of urban smog Lethal unburned hydrocarbons, a main source of urban ozone How toxic is carbon monoxide? Gasoline and diesel, mostly carbon by weight, equate to 5-6 pounds (2.5 kg) of carbon per gallon. The U.S. alone releases approximately 2 billion pounds of carbon into the environment each day, and as it burns, it turns into massive amounts of invisible carbon monoxide gas. If carbon monoxide released were solid carbon, it would be infamously noticeable, likened to throwing a 5-pound bag of dry cement out the window for every gallon of fuel burned. In the US, that would be equivalent to 333 million bags of dry cement spewed daily onto our roads and into our environment. When we breathe carbon monoxide, the carbon molecules attach to our hemoglobin, taking up all the oxygen binding locations that are used to release oxygen to our lungs and other tissues in our body. With excessive exposure, our blood loses its ability to transport oxygen, thus inevitable death by suffocation. How lethal is smog and ozone? Nitrogen oxides and unburned hydrocarbons are main sources for smog and ozone. Ozone an “unfriendly” pollutant at ground level, is caused by the reaction between engine exhaust and light. Inflammation and abnormal accumulation of fluid in our lungs, instigated by both smog and ozone, aggravates the effects of asthma and other respiratory problems. As repeated ozone exposure further desecrates our lungs, it becomes more difficult to breathe, and our bodies increasingly labor to extract oxygen. Years later, we can still experience tiredness resulting from the damage done to our lungs. In addition, the corrosive nature of ozone damages foliage, including agricultural crops and forest vegetation, sources of oxygen for our environment. But, what can we do? Engines are part of our daily lives. Time for an emergency call to our Angel of Mercy, the Fuel Doctor! The Fuel Doctor says help is available. Ironically, we can do something to alleviate these toxic, poisonous, and lethal effects with very little effort – something that will result in longevity, not only for ourselves, but also the earth and future generations of inhabitants -- our children and grandchildren. A small pill, the size of a penny, simply popped into the tank at each fill up, produces healthy detoxifying results. Independent tests showed that this little pill: Reduced toxic carbon monoxide emissions by 78% Reduced poisonous nitrogen oxides by 73% (main source of urban smog) Reduced lethal unburned hydrocarbons by 24% (main source of urban ozone) The Fuel Doctor highly recommends immediate proactive usage. Known as the UBiee Power Pill, it guarantees to reduce identified toxic emissions, along with an added benefit of increased fuel economy and reduced maintenance costs – a welcome relief for soaring record high fuel prices.

**Attn Ezine editors / Site owners ** Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your site so long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include the resource box as listed above.

About The Author:
Dee Scrip is a well known and respected published expert author of numerous articles on PowerPill Fe3, Fuel Economy, Home Business, Business Opportunities, Fundraising, VoIP, VoIP Security, and other related VoIP issues. Engine Detox
This article was posted on September 08, 2005
Article Source: The Articles Directory

Friday, July 20, 2007

Speakers For Our Car Audio System. Is Bigger Better?

You are now considering purchasing new speakers for your car and there are a number of things that should be thought about in order that you make the best choice possible. It is crucial that when looking to purchase speakers for your car you go with a clear idea and plan of what it is you intend to buy. It does not naturally follow that the bigger the speakers the better they are.

In fact you may find that when purchasing your speakers they may cost more than you intended and it is wise not to purchase ones which have numerous features which you won’t actually use. It is sensible to remember that the highest quality audio speakers available for your car will cost more than a lot of others, but in general these are worth the extra cost. However, if you do decide that big speakers are what you want then make sure the ones you purchase have a brand name that can be depended upon and ensure that they will provide you with crystal clear sound at all times.

Today there are 2 kinds of basic car stereo speakers available on the market and these are component or full range speakers. Both have their own pros and cons. However, if you are looking to replace the factory installed speakers already in your car with the minimum of fuss then you should no look no further than full range speakers (consisting of a tweeter and woofer, you may even find some come equipped with a midrange or super tweeter as well). These styles of speakers also come in a varying range of sizes and prices.

But then again as previously discussed if you are looking for bigger car speakers to install then you should be considering a component speaker set. Not only do component speakers give you the best possible sound quality for your money because of their superior design and each component has been specifically designed to complement each other. Certainly big speakers can be a part of any component system as long as you make sure that you have all the necessary components for their installation.

A component system is especially good for those people looking for a serious stereo speaker system for their car. This sound system will not only provide you with greater depth of sound but also a much realistic one as well. The exceptional dynamics and detailed sound provided by such a system is because of the higher standard of materials that have been used which will not normally be found in a full range speaker system.

However, when it comes to which are better, small or big car speakers, this cannot be easily answered. Even if you prefer to install big speakers in your car they will not always provide you with the best sound and you will soon see just how many different shapes and sizes of speakers there are now available. But rather than deciding on big or small speakers for your car it is much wiser to invest in a good quality car audio system instead.

About the Author:
Allison Thompson a work from home mum living in Spain who has set up a number of site with her husband Mark to provide you with all the latest information on in car entertainment. If you would like to learn more please visit
This article was posted on November 07, 2006
Article Source: articlecity

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What to Do When the "Check Engine" Light Goes On

Sometimes, warning lights get people all frazzled and lose control of the whole situation. Experts in the field of driving, automobiles, and driving safety say that people should not panic when this kind of thing happens to you.

If you notice that the "check engine" warning light suddenly appears and alerts you, what do you exactly do? First, do not panic and calm yourself down. It may become the very reason for you to get into further trouble or accidents. The truth is, these “check engine” warning lights could actually mean a couple of things. So there is no need to panic. Remaining calm and collected would keep you in control of the situation.

The "check engine" warning light is a part of the car’s system and onboard diagnostics. This is the computer part of the car that monitors and controls the performance of your vehicle. It also oversees the car’s engine speed, ignition timing, fuel mixture, and the like. The warning light comes on when this computer detects something that is not correct.

What would be the best defense when the "check engine" warning light comes on? It would be your owner’s manual. Be sure that you have read and understood important details of your owner’s manual. That way, you can check what the warning light is trying to tell you.

Once the warning light comes on, try to pull over first. Then try to look for signs of serious car problems that need your immediate attention. Check the gauges. Your car may be just overheating or there might be a low oil pressure.

It may be a very simple solution however it would help if you try to tighten your gas cap. For most cars, if the gas cap is not tightened enough, the "check engine" warning light goes on.

Try reducing your speed and the load of your vehicle. The loss of power could actually trigger the "check engine" warning light to go on. Or you can also try slowing down, or remove any accessories that need the power of your engine.

If, however, despite your efforts at trying to check what could be the problem and still you cannot find the source or the problem itself, go to the nearest professional mechanic or technician. By doing such, you are entrusting your vehicle to people who have been trained and have the knowledge on such situations.

Auto Parts Discount holds quality Scion parts like Scion wheel covers, oxygen sensors and corner lights among many others.

About the Author:
Joe Thompson is the owner of a successful auto body shop in Ferndale, California. This 38 year old is also a prolific writer, contributing automotive related articles to various publications.
Article Source:

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Money Saving Car Tips

Today with soaring gas prices it's more important than ever to pay attention to the little things that can help your car to run more efficiently, hence saving you money. You can turn this into a win-win situation for you and for your car.

The first tip to saving money on your car is keeping it's engine properly tuned up. A car engine that isn't running efficiently can use up to 30_ore fuel than a car engine that is properly tuned. Follow your car manufacturers guidelines for servicing your car.

Make sure that your tires are properly inflated. Tires that are under inflated will cause you to burn more gasoline. Make sure that your tires are kept in alignment. This will help you car to handle better also.

Avoid running the engine unnecessarily. The cars of today don't need to be warmed up in the morning like the cars our parents used to drive. Get in, turn it on, and go. If you are going to be waiting for someone, or sitting in your car turn it off.

Drive 55 mph and not 70 mph. Driving the posted speed limit can help you save up to 15_ore fuel. That's a nice saving! Also, use your cruise control when you can. This keeps your speed steady. Avoid sudden and extreme accelerations. These use fuel needlessly.

The next time you go on your errands see if you can run them more efficiently. Pick up your dry cleaning and your prescription at the same time. Don't double back from store to store, it's a real waste of gasoline, and time. If you don't have to be out in peak traffic times, don't. Wait until the traffic thins before running errands, this way you won't be waiting in long lines to get through the lights.

Set up a car pool to help usher the kids to and from school and sporting events. Perhaps you can take Billy home this week and Billy's mom can drop your son off next week. How about a car pool for work? We're living in a time where people live farther from work than ever before. With the price of gas a work car pool makes more sense than ever.

About the author:
Norman Fleming
This article provided courtesy of
Circulated by Article Emporium

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Essential Car Care - Part Two – Classifieds is Australia’s largest free online classifieds and has the most comprehensive selection of used automobiles and cars for sale n Australia and New Zealand. Just visit our free car listings—we have hundreds of great and wise buys in used cars. Should you need finance to buy your ideal car, you can go to the Classifieds of and look up the Finance section.

To keep your car looking good and performing well, OzFreeOnline offers you suggestions on checking the Coolant (Antifreeze) level as well as the engine oil level.


Never open the radiator of a car that has just been running. The cooling system of a car is under high pressure with fluid that is usually hotter than boiling water. Look for the cooling system reserve tank, somewhere near the radiator. It is usually translucent white so you can see the fluid level without opening it. (Do not confuse it with the windshield washer tank). The reserve tank will have two marks on the side of it. ‘FULL HOT’ and ‘FULL COLD.’ If the level frequently goes below ‘full cold’ after adding fluid, you probably have a leak, which should be checked as soon as possible. Today's engines are much more susceptible to damage from overheating, so do not neglect this important system.


An engine cannot run without oil; oil is what prevents serious engine damage or total destruction! To check the oil level, make sure that the engine is turned off, then find the engine oil dipstick and remove it. With a paper towel or rag, wipe off the end of the stick and notice the markings on it. You will usually see a mark for ‘Full’ and another mark for ‘Add.’

Check your owner’s manual to be sure. Push the stick back into the tube until it sets, then immediately pull it out to see the oil level. You should not add oil unless the level is below the ‘Add’ mark and NEVER add oil to bring the level above the ‘Full’ mark. Your main concern with this check is that oil consumption is not rapidly increasing. If it is, take your car to a repair shop as soon as possible and have it checked out. It is acceptable for the oil to be dark as long as you change it at the recommended intervals. However, it should never be foamy and should never have a strong petrol smell. If either of these conditions exists, have it checked out soon.

We will bring you more tips next week. In the meantime remember the best source to buy a used car today is from the – Cars Section. To sell your car, you can use our free car listings – We promise: it costs you nothing.

About the Author:
Fatima Isler - car enthusiast who loves writing about cars.
This article was posted on November 08, 2006
Article Source: articlecity

Monday, July 09, 2007

Solar: Will It Ever Power Our Vehicles

As solar power has matured as a technology, companies have started applying it to more than just houses. Acting as an energy platform for our transport was an obvious application.

Solar: Will It Ever Power Our Vehicles

As an active technology, one of the first uses for solar power was on NASA spacecraft. Although not used for propelling the crafts, interested parties immediately started thinking about using solar power for getting us around in our daily lives. Alas, there were so many problems with the technology, including efficiency issues, that the idea never really gained much footing. With the massive popularity of hybrid vehicles, companies and research institutes are revisiting the idea.

Vehicles getting all of their energy from the sun are not a viable option at this time or for the near future. The problem is you simply can’t produce enough energy to meet the power needs. Until technology is developed to make the sunlight conversion process much more efficient, there really is not an answer to the problem. This technological advance, however, may not be far away.

Quantum dots are a form of nanotechnology that is being developed by numerous companies for solar power applications. This technology essentially tries to create tiny solar robots to convert the sunlight to energy. Millions fit within small areas and the hope is the efficiency conversion rate will go through the roof. The companies are looking to create a platform where the robots would exist in paint. Yep, the paint on your home and car may eventually produce all the energy needed.

In the meantime, solar power applications are being developed with a focus on hybrids. The basic idea is to use solar power to provide energy to the batteries powering the hybrid cars. Put another way, it is a step towards the ultimate goal. Honda does not discuss its research, but is believed to have built a facility solely for this purpose and is dumping money into it hand over foot.

The creation of viable solar vehicles is dependent on the advances of the underlying technology. Solar hybrids should be on the market relatively quickly. The big breakthrough, however, will be when viable commercial applications are developed using nanotechnology.

About the Author:
Rick Chapo is with, a directory of solar power companies.
Article Source:

Friday, July 06, 2007

Easy Ways To Save Money On Gas

Learn how to save on gas with the rising cost of fuel. Gas prices are soaring across the nation. We have oil prices rising due to the shortages and also damages to some oil pumps from Hurricane Katrina. We have some tips on proven ways to save on gas on your car or truck. First check your tire pressure make sure they are all on the same level used by the manufacture. Check your tires regular a small price to pay for safety and better fuel prices. Next make sure you have clean air filters and fuel filters. Air filters are inexpensive and help keep your car running clean. Drive smarter. Avoid pushing on the gas to fast try to idle at the same speeds 55 MPH is a lot better than 65 or 70 MPH. Keep your windows up if possible mostly when on the highways. Fill your tank up try not to put $5.00 here $3.00 here you will need the gas anyway and it will help you from stopping all the time. By following these tips, you’ll improve your car’s performance and save money at the gas station. . Take advantage of special offers from super markets or credit cards. I know in Texas you can save .10 cents per gallon when you purchase a specific amount of groceries from certain grocers or buying gift cards can save you up to 0.03 at certain stations. Some wholesale companies offers cheap gas as well, by becoming a member you might save 0.05 to 0.10 cents per gallon as well. Also some credit cards offer gas price relief by applying for an account.

About The Author:
Shannon Maystead is chief marketing officer with She is an financial expert with debt and helping customers find the right debt choices.
This article was posted on September 08, 2005
Article Source: The Articles Directory

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The Best in Headlight Repair, Cleaning, and Restoration

Everywhere you go you will see them - headlights and I'm not talking about girls headlights like Paris Hilton and Jessica Simpson have. Plastic ones on your car. The problem is that most aren't very clear and are unsafe and in need of replacement or repair.

"An average of 9 out of every 10 cars on the road today has dirty or yellowed headlights that greatly reduce vision and need to be replaced, repaired and/or cleaned." -AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

"Your night vision can be reduced by as much as 90% by dirty headlights. Get your headlights restored with headlight repair and restorer - This product works!" - Road & Travel magazine.

"Clean the headlights or have them professionally restored and repaired (our department uses New Lite headlight repair and cleaner on all our police cruisers and department vehicles). Dirty headlights will decrease visibility by as much as 90%." - New York Broome County Police Traffic Division's Traffic Safety Team.

So it is obvious that it is vitally important to have clean, functional headlights.

Headlight replacement was the only option available until recently. Due to technological advances and extensive research there are products available to clean, restore and even repair worn headlights. Even cracked, leaking headlights can be repaired.

If there is water or condensation inside it must first be removed. This is accomplished by using a small drill bit and drilling a small hole in the bottom of the headlight assembly. It is easiest to remove the lens first and make sure the hole goes all the way into the headlight chamber. Drain all water and then place the headlight assembly next to your air conditioning ducts in your house or a dehumidifier to remove all moisture. Reseal with silicone seal (at all automotive stores - glues will crack and leak). Its also a good idea to check the whole seal that attaches the outer globe to the headlight assembly - reseal if necessary. Then reinstall.

If you have a large crack, or a s hole from a rock or such, there is plastic resin which will seal the lens and increase its integrity. Plastic resin will also maintain a clear and safe appearance so it can pass inspection. Plastic resins can be found at your local hardware store or on your favorite internet search engine.

The biggest problems with plastic lenses is that they get cloudy and worn. This is usually caused by sun or UV damage and a mixture of acid rain or road debris and dirt. The sun breaks down and dries out plastic. It turns them cloudy and yellow and it only takes 2-3 years for this to happen on plastic headlight lenses. Acid rain will usually leave a characteristic line and either the top half or bottem half will be etched from it. Road debris and dirt will basically have a sand blasting effect on the lenses. All these conditions are considered severe weathering and will break down and ruin your headlights - it is just a matter of time. Its like cancer, once it starts to show it will get worse and worse. It will affect your night time visibility and has been proven to cause accidents due to poor visibility.

In the past you had to replace the cloudy headlights with expensive replacements at your local dealer who would charge $400+ and that doesn't include installation. Now there are headlight cleaner, repair and restoration kits that will do this. In under 20 minutes, in most cases, you can have new looking headlight lenses. To find these kits just type "Headlight Cleaner" into your Google or Yahoo search and they will come right up. One company is even backed by the U.S. government and was awarded a patent by the U.S. government.

So there you have it - the best in headlight repair, headlight restoration, and headlight cleaning. You now know how to remove condensation and water, how to patch scratches and holes, and how to get rid of the cloudy haze that affects 90% of plastic headlights. So go repair your headlights and increase your driving safety at night - you will be glad you did - the life you save may be your own!

About the Author:
David Maillie holds numerous patents including his recently awarded patent for headlight repair, cleaner, and restorer. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale:
Article Source:

Monday, July 02, 2007

How To Choose A Body Shop To Repair Your Car

Having been involved in an accident when my truck was only three months old, and then having re-painting done while restoring a ten year old vehicle, I've had some experience with body repair shops.

There are different types of body shops out there as we're all not looking for the same quality of work. The first rule I'll give you is that you get what you pay for. If you want to pay $599.00 to have your entire car painted, that's fine. It may be a huge improvement over how your car looked initially, but it wouldn't have suited me in either case mentioned above. I wanted that three month old truck to look like it looked the day I purchased it, and the paint on the hood of that ten year old sports car had to match the rest of the car perfectly.

The best way to find a body repair shop is the probably the same way you found your auto mechanic, word of mouth. Talk with friends and work associates, ask your mechanic. Talk to your neighbors and get their opinions. Everyone knows someone who's had a good, or bad experience. Listen when people talk about their cars and experiences they've had. I called the dealership where I had purchased my truck for a referral.

When you think that you've narrowed it down to a particular shop, check with the Better Business Bureau to see if any complaints have been lodged. Remember that you may find they have a few, but no business can keep everyone happy. Talk with the shop manager if you have any questions or concerns.

Take a look around the shop. Is is kept clean? It won't be sparkling clean due to the type of work, but you shouldn't see dust and filth and chemicals spilled on floors.

Ask to see their work. They should have before and after pictures of their work and will also have cars they are currently working on. Do they have letters of recommendation? A lot of business keep letters from happy customers.

Do they give any type of warranty? Some body shops offer a limited warranty.

Finally, use your gut. How are they interacting with you? Are they taking the time to answer your questions completely or do they seem put off by them? If they seem put off, it's time to look elsewhere.

About the author:
Mark Freeman
This article courtesy of
Circulated by Article Emporium

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Auto Repair: The Top Ten Mistakes Made By Your Mechanic

Number One:

Not confirming the concern. Confirming a repair concern is a basic diagnostic principle frequently overlooked. To fix a problem, the first thing one must do is recognize it.

Number Two:

Insufficient Road Testing. The importance of a thorough road test (even for an oil change) is well documented in automotive training manuals. Yet, many technicians consider driving the vehicle into the shop good enough.

Number Three:

Misdiagnosing. For the above reasons and a multitude of others, your vehicle is misdiagnosed more often than not. Mechanics will spend hours chasing the wrong problem, wasting your time and money.

Number Four:

Throwing parts at a problem. To compensate for lack of skills, mechanics often just throw parts at the problem in the hope of getting lucky. It’s common to hear mechanics say I replaced this, this, this, and that, and the problem’s still not fixed. This goes right back to mistake number one: confirm the problem with diagnostics, then proceed.

Number Five:

Not addressing primary concerns first. Technicians often spend an inordinate amount of time looking for easy sells that will fatten their paychecks. There’s nothing wrong with this provided there’s no charge for the inspection, it doesn’t conflict with your time, and the upsell suggestions are valid (they’re frequently not). However, this type of free inspection and the subsequent upselling too often overshadows the primary concern. So…what’s wrong with my car?

Number Six:

Overconfidence. Too often unqualified technicians get in over their heads. Rather than defer to a more experienced technician or facility, they often keep going and do more harm. How’s it go…The road to hell is paved with good intentions?

Number Seven:

Taking shortcuts. In the ongoing effort to beat the clock, technicians will create a host of problems: breaking parts, snapping bolts, short circuiting sensitive electronics. Refer to Auto Repair: How Can They Screw Up an Oil Change for a great discussion.

Number Eight:

Poor Repairs. Whether through incompetence or laziness, mechanics frequently don’t do repairs correctly. It’s often sloppy work. Forgotten bolts, parts not lined up correctly, or components not re-installed properly are common. It gets worse with computer repairs: incorrect software programming, coding, and resynchronization protocols are just a few.

Number Nine:

Not confirming repairs. After a repair is complete, it’s important to re-check to ensure that the problem is indeed fixed. Too often parts are thrown in and the car is pulled out only to pull in another victim.

Number Ten:

Making a mess. If the above nine mistakes weren’t bad enough, there are now greasy fingerprints on the hood and steering wheel, and two big greasy boot marks on the carpet.

About the Author:
Theodore P. Olson (Ted) holds extensive certifications from Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, GM, and ASE. He is the author of eight books and numerous articles on the automotive service industry. Visit RepairTrust TAKE CONTROL of
This article was posted on November 13, 2006
Article Source: articlecity