Monday, July 31, 2006

Learn how to choose the right fuel treatments for your car

Choosing the right fuel treatments might be the difference between your car mechanism's receiving bad deposits or not as well as it could reduce the engine's wear or increase it in case it was wrongly chosen. Due to all these reasons, it is very important that you buy the right fuel treatments for your car instead of choosing them randomly.

If you wish to learn which the right fuel treatments for your car are, you should start by consulting your car owner's manual. Most car owner's manuals come with indications regarding the use of fuel treatments and some of them would let you know which ones you should buy and which ones you should avoid since some of them could be very prejudicial.

Fuel treatments are applied in order to improve specific car functioning areas and therefore you should have a clear idea on what you need to correct before buying the treatment fuel for it. This way, one of the best ways to make sure you will buy the right fuel treatment for your car is by choosing it according the specific problem it is going through.

Although there are some low cost treatments which are not bad, you should always try to make sure you buy a well known one or one which has been recommended to you by your mechanic or someone who knows what he is talking about. Another great way to buy your treatments is when they are on sale which happens very often in many stores.

After you have bought the right treatment, you should wait to add it until the next time you will add gas to the tank. This way, you should add the treatment, with a maximum of one bottle, and then add the gas you wish. If you have any doubts regarding fuel treatments you should ask your mechanic, or, in case you have doubts on how to use it you should ask the treatment manufacturer for further advice. You shouldn’t add any treatment to your car if you are not sure about it and what it could do to the car.

About the author:
Jakob Jelling is the founder of Please visit his website to learn about auto maintenance, auto insurance, auto safety and much more!

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Thursday, July 27, 2006

How to check and change your air filter

You car's air filter is very important since it maintains some parts of your car system clean and free of dirt. If your air filter doesn't work properly and dirt enters your car this might make it go through different problems, and therefore it is important that you check the filter and change it when necessary. Your mechanic can do it for you although it is very easy and you could do it yourself as well.

It is recommended that you change your car's air filter once a year or every 15.000 miles if you live in an averagely dusty area. But, if you can check it once in a while and replace it as soon as it needs it this would be much better. Checking it is a very easy thing to do and replace it is not complicated once you learn how to do it.

If you wish to check your car's air filter yourself and in an easy way, you can do so by using a light from inside pointing outside and check how bright it looks through it. If you see the light clearly, then your air filter is still good, but if you can't see much of the light then it indicates the filter needs to be changed.

Newer cars have different air filters than older ones. If your car is rather new, its air filter is probably rectangular and you might find it located under the hood, near the radiator area or the fender wells. In order to change it, you must open it and take the actual air filter from it, replacing it by the new and then closing it again.

If your car is older, then the air filter will probably be of a big round shape and located near the engine area. It might probably be screwed, and all you might need to do is to unscrew the cover, let the air filter come out, and place the new one instead of it. You must pay attention in case it has any other attachment mechanisms such as clips which you would need to take off as well.

About the author:
Jakob Jelling is the founder of Please visit his website to learn about auto maintenance, auto insurance, auto safety and much more!

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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Oil – The Life Of Your Car

Oil cleans your car. It lubricates parts. It helps cool things down. Without it, your engine would be sitting squarely in the center of your local junkyard.

Scheduling regular oil changes is vital to the life of any vehicle.

The oil filter keeps little bits of dust and other contaminants out of your engine, and helps ensure the oil runs smoothly, so you want to change that every time you change the oil.

Imagine how your body would react if your kidneys and liver shut down. The impurities in your blood would build up continually, and it wouldn't take long for your body to completely break down.

Oil for your car can be likened to blood to your body. Your car needs clean oil to keep going. What would happen if you never changed your oil?

Well, you'd be lucky to get 30,000 miles out of the car before your engine would collapse.

Say you only change your oil once a year. Your car seems to be running fine, so no harm done, right? Not so fast! Your engine has been flooded with contaminants. It won't be long till you find yourself coming to a standstill.

Regular oil changes are as important to your car as daily trips to the bathroom are to you. Now, we won't take the analogy too far, but you get the idea. This one scheduled maintenance may help your vehicle avoid mechanical failures.

I actually heard two mechanics say that they figured you could run a car forever if you had the oil changed every 2000 miles. That may seem excessive to some folks. But it kept my baby humming nicely!

Now if you see any hint of an oil leak on the driveway after the car is parked, get to a service station. This could be ultra bad news and you need to have your car checked out immediately. Ditto if you detect a burning smell or smoke coming from around the engine!

You may not feel 100 omfortable changing your oil, but you can check it easily. It's best to check the oil when your engine is cold. Unscrew the cap and pull out the dipstick. Wipe it with a clean tissue or paper towel. Reinsert the stick all the way. Then pull it back out and check the dipstick. You'll see "add" and "full" lines clearly marked on it. If the oil film is between the "add" and "full" lines, you're good. If it's below the "add" line, you need a quart of oil. Make sure you use the kind recommended in your owner's manual. After adding the oil, repeat all the steps.

See, that wasn't too hard, was it?

Make sure you take the time to check the oil levels in your car, and have it changed regularly. It literally means the difference between life and death for your vehicle!

About the author:
Samuel Murray

This article provided courtesy of

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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Simple Car Maintenance Tips

You drive your car everyday. Do you pay attention to it? Do you feel that slight shimmy in the front end? Is there a new knocking sound under the hood? Is there a rattle in the dashboard? No one knows your car better than you do. If you feel something different, or if it isn't handling correctly take it to your mechanic. It could be something as simple as a tire out of alignment, or perhaps a loose belt. It's always best to find any small problem before it becomes a large one.

Here are some simple maintenance tips that you can follow to help prolong the life of your car, and help save you money.

Notice where you park your car and get into the habit of looking to see if there are any leaks when you pull out. This can be very tricky in a public garage with lots of stains from leaks from other cars, but if your car is leaking any type of fluid, transmission, radiator or brake the leak will look "fresh". If you see any fluid leaking have your car serviced as soon as possible.

Keep an eye on your tires. When you have your oil changed every 3,000 miles have your tires rotated. At this time the technician will inspect your tires for any wear. Keep your tires aligned. Check your tire pressure once every month. It's easy enough to read tire gauges and they even have electronic ones. Keeping your tires properly inflated helps increase gas mileage too.

As mentioned above, change your oil at least every 3,000 miles. The oil is the life blood of your car and keeping fresh oil in your car can extends it's life by many, many miles. At this time the technician will check your air filter, hoses and belts.

Keep your windshield washer reservoir full and carry an extra gallon with you. You don't want to be caught without washer fluid, and you don't realize how quickly you use it up, especially in the winter months when we get salt spray on the windshield. Replace your wiper blades once a year.

Following these simples steps can go a long way in prolonging the life of your car.

About the author:
Simon Harris

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Sunday, July 16, 2006

Tips On Car Leasing

Leasing a car isn't for everyone. If you're like me and keep your car for many, many years then leasing isn't for you. If however, you don't get "attached" to a vehicle as some of us do, and you like having a new car every few years then leasing may be for you.

Today's cars are built very well and you can expect to get a good amount of mileage from your car. You can expect at least 100,000 miles. If you purchase a car you may have five years of payments, but your car may last eight to ten years. This means three to five years of no monthly car payments. However, as you car ages, the need for upkeep goes up too. With more mileage on you car things start to break down and costs to keep your car up mechanically may go up. It's doubtful though that what you pay out for maintenance and car repair will ever be as much as monthly payments would be.

When you lease a car you make monthly payments as you would if you purchased a car outright. But, when a lease is up you have nothing to show for it. These monthly payments may be somewhat less than if you were buying the car. Leasing a car usually requires large down payments and security deposits, taxes and fees. It isn't necessarily cheaper up front than buying a car. Also, when you lease a car you have mileage restrictions. A lease generally allows between 12,000 and 15,000 miles annually. If you go over that amount you pay for each mile. This can really add up.

Leasing doesn't mean you don't have to pay for upkeep. You are held to the manufacturers specified servicing schedule for your vehicle. If you don't have the required maintenance performed this can void your lease.
If you want to end the lease early there are generally large termination fees. At the end of your lease if there is damage to the car, or if there are missing parts you will be charged for them.

Make sure if you are considering leasing a vehicle that you understand all the fine print in the contact and all possible extra costs before signing on the dotted line.

About the author:
Jeff Slokum

This article courtesy of
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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Give Your Auto TLC, It’s Fall Car Care Month

October has been designated as the Fall Car Care Month by the Car Care Council, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating motorists about proper vehicle care and maintenance. This time of the year is perfect time to prepare for the approaching winter months, that is, to repair or replace the car’s old and worn out auto parts, have all its systems and components checked or get the car properly serviced by a mechanic.

Fall and winter months are the harshest months for vehicles, especially those hard to maintain automobiles; thus, you need to give your vehicle extra care during these months. Why wait for those agonizing months when you can keep your auto fit ahead of time. As early as now, work on your car’s problems, even the minor ones. Simple things like weatherstripping your windows for example can make your ride a lot more comfortable and stress-free.

By means of weatherstripping the windows, doors, windshield, trunk and other parts of your auto, you are not only making your car air and watertight but safer as well. Small wholes and gaps on the window frames cause the glass to rattle, which is annoying and risky at the same time because the glass might break as you drive through bumpy roads.

Find premium quality Toyota weatherstripping, Honda weatherstripping, Ford weatherstripping, Chevy weatherstripping and more from Auto Parts Wholesale. This store also offers great choices of replacement and aftermarket auto parts made to match your car’s original parts.

Another way to prepare your auto is by making sure that all your lights are working and are properly aimed. Of course after long years of using your car’s original lights, you would need to replace them as well. Be sure to install high quality and durable auto lights. You can go to Auto Parts Wholesale for these lights. This store features great variety of lights including high quality and stylish Toyota headlights, Dodge fog lights, and Honda taillights.

The fog lights are very important during fall and winter seasons because these lights provide low illumination that helps you pass through thick fog, snow and rain. They are specially designed to keep you safe while driving through the worst weather conditions. Especially if you are driving in mountainous areas at night and early in the morning, you need quality fog lights to illuminate the road ahead of you. Your headlights when used in circumstances such as this might be futile or worse, dangerous since they emit stronger light that produces glare.

Keep your car wheels including the tires at their best condition. Make sure that that the tires are properly inflated to avoid misfortunes on the road. Likewise, check on the car’s air conditioning, heat, exhaust, cooling, starting and electrical systems. Should you need replacement for any of the original auto parts, don’t hesitate replacing it. Spending some extra cash for new replacement auto parts isn’t a bad idea especially if your safety, comfort and convenience are at stake.

Check out the store’s featured premium quality replacement auto parts including Ford a/c condenser, Nissan Alloy wheels, BMW mirror, Jeep engine parts and thousands of other GMC parts, Volvo parts, Honda parts and Toyota parts.

Your car must be an extension of yourself so take care of it. No matter how tough its original parts are, you can’t expect them to work perfectly right in worst driving situations if you don’t maintain them properly. Give your car the most tender love and care it deserves now before winter comes to test its endurance and driving abilities.

About the author:
Joe Thompson is the owner of a successful auto body shop in Ferndale, California. This 48 year old is also a prolific writer, contributing automotive related articles to various publications.
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Monday, July 10, 2006

What to do when a hot engine is hard to start

Although usually engines exposed to cold weather is the most known problem related to car starting difficulties, hot engines might bring obstacles as well. Many people realize that the car do not start as easily as it should when the engine is hot and do not know what to do about it. In order to be able to overcome this problem, it is important to start by learning why it happens.

Most of the reasons by which a hot engine would be hard to start are based on problems related to the fuel. When the engine is too hot, fuel can't circulate properly due to the way in which vapor obstructs it and therefore the engine wouldn't start as easily as it should or it wouldn't start at all.

A car engine would keep on gaining temperature until a while after it was shut off. During this period of time is when the highest amount of vapor would be circulating around and therefore that is when the chances it obstructs the engine are bigger as well. This way, if you are driving in hot weather and you have just turned off the car in which you experience start problems, you should wait for a few minutes until starting it back.

Fuel injected engines do not experience this problem as much as others do due to the fact that the fuel remains inside the injectors by being under a very high pressure. This way, fuel injected engines would not become so easily obtruded by vapors as other engines would and therefore the car would not have the same problems to start as another would.

Also, engines might become hard to start while being hot if it coincides with the season in which refiners change from a fuel blend to another. Sometimes gasoline refiners change from a higher volatility fuel to a lower one when summer approaches due to the way in which hot weather causes fuel to evaporate easier. If refiners change back to a higher volatility fuel while the engine is still exposed to days of high temperatures, this could cause the fuel to evaporate too much creating too much vapor and therefore obtruding the engine.

About the author:

Jakob Jelling is the founder of Please visit his website to learn about auto maintenance, auto insurance, auto safety and much more!
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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Transporting Your Exotic Car

Exotic car transport is a growing branch of the car transport industry, a specialized field that includes auto transporters of custom-built automobiles, luxury cars, antique autos, exotic cars, and prototypes. Exotic car transport companies utilize state of the art satellite tracking and mobile phones to keep track of your vehicle every mile of the way. Secure and safe loading on custom built covered trailers with full lift gates and unique tie-down systems provide security without damage to your vehicle. Airtight sanitary environments and full air equipment for smooth and even travel are just some of the many special options available for shipping an exotic or special car.

Custom equipment designed to meet your specific needs is a standard in the exotic car transport business. When investigating exotic car transport companies check to see whether they maintain fleet of opened and enclosed transports at their facility, and whether they employ a professional crew of mechanics and maintenance people to serve your needs. To protect your interests, also make sure they carry the finest insurance coverage available.

Some popular trailer options for secure exotic car transport are: six-car enclosed trailers, four-car enclosed trailers, and two-car non-stacking enclosed trailers. Most auto transporters of exotic vehicles will offer delivery from door to door or delivery to the customer wherever they choose. Most exotic car companies will accept non-running vehicles. Many exotic car transport companies will design an itinerary according, solely, to your car transport requirements.

When you are searching for a exotic car transport company ask if exotic and vehicle shipping is their main focus or a sideline of another business, further find out if they contract out shipping jobs to third parties. Be certain when you are investigating exotic car transport companies that exotic and custom-made cars are their specialty and they are experts.

Many exotic car transport companies will offer worldwide vehicle transportation solutions to individuals. These car transport companies specialize in dependable, efficient service with numerous departures from major U.S. ports. Usually you will be assigned a very knowledgeable customer service person to insure the safe convey of your exotic car.

Exotic car transport companies use various methods and vehicles to move your car long distances, such as custom designed flatbed trucks, enclosed single and double non-stacking trailers and enclosed rail service. Your car will probably travel flat without being tied down by chains.

It should not be difficult to find an exotic car transport company with a crew of certified professionals who maintain an exceptional fleet of opened and enclosed transports to fit your needs and budget. Just knowing the some basic information about the nuances and services of moving exotic cars will make finding the best exotic car transport company an assured success.

About the author:
Thomas Morva
Car Transport Info provides detailed information about car transport services and trailers, as well as advice on locating an cheap, domestic and international car transport company for your standard, classic, or exotic car. Car Transport Info is affiliated with Original Content.

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Monday, July 03, 2006

OEM-quality Ford Focus Parts Available at Top American Ford Parts Dealer

"It begs to be driven," says Ford. Beyond doubt, this car is very inviting. It appeals to a lot of buyers not only because of its modern styling and excellent driving abilities but most especially, its reasonable price.

Now on its sixth year, Ford Focus remains to be a strong contender in the economy car class in America and in United Kingdom. Since its debut in 1998 (in UK), Ford Focus has garnered over 60 awards, including 13 Car of the Year awards, both in Northern American and in Europe. It was also included in Car and Driver magazine’s Ten Best List from 2000 through 2004 and recognized as the world’s best-selling car in 2001 and in 2002.

The Ford Focus was substantially upgraded in 2005 so there are only few changes to the 2006 Ford Focus model. The 2005 Ford Focus came with restyled Ford hood, larger Ford grille, reshaped Ford front fenders integrated with the Ford headlights. These new Ford parts were maintained for the 2006 model; however, Ford offers this time a new Street Appearance Package for Ford Focus ZX3, Ford Focus ZX4, and Ford Focus ZX5, laden with safety and convenience features.

Ford Focus Street Appearance Package came with different front and rear fascias, adding new Ford lights(Euro Altezza); lower Ford air deflector, Ford spoiler and rear Ford Front bumper; and chrome exhaust tip. The S and SE trim levels got optional alloy Ford wheels. All these additional features gave the new Ford Focus a racing car look.

Continuing success of the Ford Focus only reaffirms Ford’s renowned excellence in creating vehicles of extraordinary performance, interior and exterior auto parts. Also it further proves Ford’s high standards on quality automobiles and its commitment to the customer’s ultimate satisfaction.
Because of this, manufacturers and dealers of aftermarket and replacement Ford parts like the country’s top quality Ford auto parts supplier, Ford Parts Online, feel the need to continuously raise their quality standards as well in order to meet higher demands of Ford car users and match the latest from Ford.

At one time or another, you would need to replace some auto parts in your Ford Focus or any other Ford vehicle, whether it’s simply for maintenance, for repair, for car enhancement or customization. No matter how well built and how well designed your Ford is, it is still subject to some car problems and of course, you can make it better.

Replacing your OEM Ford auto parts has never been easier than it is today. There are thousands of aftermarket auto parts dealers all over the country and even online. You can have access to virtually all of them in just a click on a mouse, making it more convenient on your part. However, you still have to choose what is best for you. Even if many offer rock bottom Ford Parts Discount deals, you are not guaranteed to get the best for your Ford.

Choosing a trusted and experienced auto parts dealer like Ford Parts Online can save you from worries. This auto parts dealer offers a great variety of Ford replacement and aftermarket parts including the finest line of Ford Explorer parts, Ford Mustang partsFord F-150 Pickup parts and Ford Escape parts. Sourced from well recognized Ford parts manufacturers, you can be sure that these parts meet the industry’s highest standards for car parts. Priced like Ford Parts Used, its Ford Parts Discount are the perfect answer to your high quality and inexpensive Ford replacement part needs. Ford Parts Discount

About the author:
Jay Stevens works as a consultant for an established auto parts store in the country. He has expertise in automotive technology and has inside knowledge on the auto parts industry.
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